Class 8 Social Science Second Combined Paper Q 1 – Historians believed that Time does not have _________ dates in terms of a particular year or month (a) Abstruse(b) Precise(c) Ambiguous (d) Imprecise Q 2 – On the basis of their distribution, Natural resources can be classified as____________ and ________.(a) Ubiquitous and Localised resources (b) Biotic and Abiotic resources(c) Actual and Potential resources (d) Renewable and Non Renewable Q 3 – Right against exploitation does not include which prohibition?(a) Prohibition of trafficking (b) Prohibition of forced labor(c) Prohibition of employment of children below 14 years of age(d) Prohibition of untouchability Q 4 – The basis of classification of resources are(a) level of development and use (b) origin(c) stock and distribution(d) all of these Q 5 – What is Imperialism?(a) Imperialism is a political system (b) Imperialism is a technical term(c) Imperialism is a traditional system (d) None of these Q 6 – Name the term that can collectively refer to consist of all living and nonliving things that surround an organism.(a) Environment(b) Stock(c) Value (d) Resource Q 6 – Name the term that can collectively refer to consist of all living and nonliving things that surround an organism.(a) Environment (b) Stock(c) Value (d) Resource Q 7 – What is Sovereignty?(a) Freedom to establish new country (b) Freedom to govern oneself(c) Peoples government (d) None of these Q 8 – From a layman’s point of view, which one of the following option is synonymous with the study of History and very difficult to memorise?(a) Dates (b) Census(c) Surveys (d) Artefacts Q 9 – When our Constitution was adopted and was enforced? (a) 26 January, 1950 (b) 15 August, 1947 (c) 2 October, 1950 (d) 26 November, 1949 Q 10 – Name the three volume work of James Mill, the Scottish economist and philosopher. (a) Glimpses of India (b) History of British India(c) An ancient History of India(d) Glimpses of British History Q 11 – Fill in the blanks:British established specialised institutions like _______ and _______were also established to preserve important records.All resources have some _______.The periodisation of Indian history given by _________came to be widely accepted.On the basis of origin, resources can be _______or _______.___________ is responsible for administering and enforcing laws. Q 12 – Who was the First Governor General of India? Q 13 – What do you mean by ‘Right to Constitutional Remedies’? Q 14 – What are the physical factors that affect the distribution of natural resources? Q 15 – Why do we associate history with dates? Q 16 – Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth? Q 17 – What is the significance of time and technology in making a substance a resource? Q 18 – Explain ‘Parliamentary form of government’? Q 19 – What were the challenges before the members of the constituent Assembly?