Class 9 Maths First Combined Paper

Q 1 – Can we write 0 in the form of p/q? 


b. No

c.Cannot be explained

d. None of the above

Q 2 – In between any two numbers, there are:

a.Only one rational number

b. Two rational numbers

c. Infinite rational numbers                                          

d. No rational number

Q 3 – Every rational number is:

a. Whole number

b. Natural number

c. Integer                                                                            

d. Real number

Q 4 – √9 is  __________ number

a.A rational

b. An irrational

c. Neither rational nor irrational

d. None of the above

Q 5 – A binomial of degree 20 in the following is:

a. 20x + 1

b. x/20 + 1

c. x20+1

d. x2+20

Q 6 – The degree of 4x3-12x2+3x+9 is

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

d. 3

Q 7 – (x2 – x) is ________ polynomial.

a. Linear

b. Quadratic


d. None of the above

Q 8 – If the coordinates of a point are (3, 0), then it lies in:

a. X-axis

b. Y-axis

c. At origin

d. Between x-axis and y-axis

Q 9 – If the coordinates of a point are (-3, 4), then it lies in:

a. First quadrant

b. Second quadrant

c. Third quadrant 

d. Fourth quadrant

Q 10 – State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your answers. 

i) Every irrational number is a real number.

ii) Every real number is an irrational number.

Q 11 – If the coordinates of a point M are (-2, 9) which can also be expressed as (1 + x, y2) and y > 0, then find in which quadrant do the following points lie : P(x, y), Q(2, x), R(x, y – 1), S(2x, -3y).

Q 12 – Express 0.99999…. in the form p/q, Are you surprised by your answer? With your teacher and classmates discuss why the answer makes sense.

Q 13 – Write the coordinates of A, B, C and D from the figure given alongside.     

Q 14 – Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle whose area is 25x2 – 35x + 12. 

Q 15 – Find the value of x3 + y3 + z3 – 3xyz if x2 + y2 + z2 = 83 and x + y + z = 15

Q 16 – If (x – 1/x) = 4, then evaluate (x2 + 1/x2) and (x4 + 1/x4).

Q 17 – Factorise x2 – 1 – 2a – a2.          

Q 18 – Locate √3, √7, √23 on the number line.

Q 19 – Find three different irrational numbers between the rational numbers 5/7 and 9/11.

Q 20 – Find five rational numbers between 3/5 and 4/5.

Q 21 – Find the value of k, if x – 1 is a factor of p(x) in each of the following cases: 

a.p(x) = kx2 2 x + 1

b. p(x) = kx2 – 3x + k

Q 22 – Factorise :

a) x3 + 13x2+ 32x + 20

b) 2y3 + y2 – 2y – 1

Q 23 – Factorise: 2x2+ y2 + 8z2 – 2 √ 2 xy + 4 √ 2 yz – 8xz     

Q 24 – Factorise each of the following:

27p3 – 1/216  –  9/2 p2 + 1/4   p

Q 25 – Write the following cubes in expanded form:


Q 26 – Without actually calculating the cubes, find the value of each of the following:

(28)3 + (–15)3 + (–13)3