Q 3– Which of the following is the most labour absorbing sectors of the Indian economy? (a) Primary sector (b) tertiary sector (c) Secondary sector (d) Private sector
Q 4– The two determinants of earning by an individual in the market are: (a) Health and education (b) Education and skill (c) Age and education (d) Skill and age
Q 5– Which of the following is a non-economic activity? (a) Mother doing household work (b) Washerman washes doth of people (c) Chef cooking food in the hotel (d) All of the above
Q 7– Economic activities have two parts: (a) market activities and sale activities (b) market activities and non-market activities (c) only market activities (d) none of the above
Q 15– Why are rural women employed in low-paid jobs? (a) They do not need to work in high-paid jobs (b) They lack in education or the necessary skill (c) They are not allowed by their families to do high paid jobs (d) They are not aware of the wage structure
Q 23– Which age group of children does the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan aim to promote education? (a) 6 to 10 years (b) 5 to 3 years (c) 6 to 14 years (d) 7 to 12 years
(a) Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu
Q 27– Decrease in IMR (Infant Mortality Rate) of a country signifies: (a) Increase in life expectancy (b) Increase in GNP (c) Economic development of a country (d) Increase in number of colleges in a country
Q 31– Which one of the following is considered important to create a ‘virtuous cycle’ by the parents? (a) To send their children to the school (b) To provide goods food to their children (c) To join their children incorporate schools (d) To take care of the health and education of their children