What is Democracy? Why Democracy? For Class 9 Civics MCQ Questions
Q 1– Which officials must be elected for any government to be called a democracy?
(a) Certain people from different constituencies passing the criteria to be elected (b) Any adult of the country (c) Only Bureaucratics (d) Heads of different organizations
Q 4– A democratic government has to respect some rules after winning the elections. Which of these points is not a part of those rules? (a) Respecting guarantees given to the minorities. (b) Every major decision has to go through a series of consultations. (c) Office-bearers are not accountable. (d) Office-bearers have some responsibilities.
Q 6– Which of these is not an instance of broader meaning of democracy? (a) Taking opinion of all the family members before taking a decision (b) Being allowed to ask questions in the class (c) Having no say in one’s marriage plan (d) None of the above
Q 8– In which case was the real power with external powers and not with the locally elected representatives? (a) India in Sri Lanka (b) US in Iraq (c) USSR in Communist Poland (d) Both (b) and (c)
Q 13– Which party always won elections in Mexico since its independence in 1930 until 2000? (a) Revolutionary Party (b) Mexican Revolutionary Party (c) Institutional Revolutionary Party (d) Institutional Party
Q 16– When did Zimbabwe attain independence and from whom? (a) 1970, from Black minority rule (b) 1880, from White minority rule (c) 1980, from Americans (d) 1980, from White minority rule
Q 18– which of these features is/are necessary to provide the basic rights to the citizens? (a) Citizens should be free to think (b) should be free to form associations (c) Should be free to raise a protest (d) All the above
(c) Those who happened to be in control of the army became the rulers
Q 21– What is Constitutional Law? (a) Provisions given in the Constitution (b) Law to make Constitution (c) Law to set up Constituent Assembly (d) none of the above
Q 23– One of the drawbacks of democracy is (a) Instability and delays (b) corruption and hypocrisy (c) Politicians fighting among themselves (d) all the above
Q 24– How does the definition of democracy help us?
(a) To separate democracy from forms of government that are clearly not democratic (b) So that we can get voting rights (c) To figure out what lies in A Democracy (d) None
Q 26– Democracy improves the quality of decision-making because (a) Decisions are taken by educated people (b) Decisions are taken by consultation and discussion (c) Decisions are taken over a long period of time (d) All decisions are approved by thejudiciar6
(b) Decisions are taken by consultation and discussion
Q 27– The most common form that democracy takes in our time is that of (a) Limited democracy (b) representative democracy (c) Maximum democracy (d) none of the above
Q 30– In any society, people are bound to have difference of opinions and interests. Which is a better way of dealing with these conflicts? (a) By brutal power exercised by the government (b) By allowing one group to dictate terms to others (c) By providing equal opportunities to all (d) By opting for a strong leader who should have all the powers0