Q 1 – Now can you tell why Salima saw changes in the natural vegetation as she climbed higher and higher? What type of vegetation did she see in the Himalayas starting with the foothills and going to the higher altitudes?
Salima saw changes in the natural vegetation as she climbed higher and higher because of the following reasons:
- Change in a climate with an increase in height.
- Slope
- The thickness of the soil.
Types of vegetation she saw
- Sal and teak forests
- Coniferous forests
- Rhodo-dendrous
- Short grass
Like Salima, when you go to visit any new place, notice the type of natural vegetation occurring there and try to think of factors responsible for the growth of such vegetation in that habitat.
Q 2 – Note down if any human interference has taken place in that area in terms of deforestation, grazing, cultivation of cash crops, constructional activities, etc
Ans. In October to Nainital.
- Alpine and Montane vegetation.
- Cold climate.
- Heavy rainfall.
- Mountainous soil.
Yes, for habitation and commercial activities
Q 3 – Where in India do tropical evergreen and tropical deciduous forests occur? Name the states
Ans. Western slopes of western ghats, N.E.
- India—Tropical evergreen (Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Goa, and N.E. states)
- Central India—Deciduous (M.P., Chhattisgarh), Jharkhand etc.
- Tropical Deciduous.
Q 4 – Look around in your surroundings and find out the articles made of hardwood and softwood. Find out and learn the names of few trees of your locality.
Ans. Hardwood: Steppers, bridges, furniture, doors, windows. Softwood: Matches, packing material, false ceiling, boats etc.
Mango, neem, jamun, shisham, kikar, peepal, sal.
Q 5 – Can you name the great desert of India? Name some of the common animals of the desert
Ans. Thar is the great Indian desert. Camel, Snakes, lizards and many insects are found here.
Q 6 – How is height of land and the character of vegetation related with each other?
Ans. With the change in height the climate changes and that changes natural vegetation.
Q 7 – Where are shrubs found?
Ans. Shrubs are found in the dry regions.
Q 8 – Why do trees of tropical evergreen forests not shed their leaves altogether?
Ans. It is because there is no particular dry season.
Q 9 – What is the special feature of tropical evergreen forests?
Ans. Thick canopies of the closely spaced trees are found here. As a result sunlight do not reach inside the forest.
Q 10 – Name the trees found in the tropical deciduous forests.
Ans. Sal, teak, neem and shisham.
Q 11 – Where are temperate evergreen forests located?
Ans. These forests are located in the mid-latitudinal coastal region
Q 12 – Why are only citrus fruits cultivated in Mediterranean regions?
Ans. It is because people have removed the natural vegetation in order to cultivate citrus fruits.
Q 13 – Mention one special feature of coniferous forests.
Ans. These forests have tall and softwood evergreen trees
Q 14 – Name the animals found, in the coniferous forests.
Ans. Silver fox, mink, and polar bear.
Q 15 – Name the animals found in tropical grasslands. ,
Ans. Elephants, zebras, giraffes, dear and leopards.
Q 16 – Where are Savannah grasslands found?
Ans. They are found in East Africa.
Q 17 – Where are Llanos grasslands found?
Ans. They are found in Venezuela.
Q 18 – Which type of grassland Prairie is?
Ans. Prairie is temperate grassland.
Q 19 – Where are tropical deserts located?
Ans. They are located on the western margins of the continents.
Q 20 – Name some animals found in polar regions.
Ans. Seal, walruses, musk-oxen, Arctic owl, polar bear, and snow foxes.
Q 21 – Mention the major features of tropical evergreen forests.
Ans. Major features of tropical evergreen forests are:
- These forests are so dense that thick canopies are developed which do not allow the sunlight to penetrate inside the forest.
- As there is no particular dry season, the trees do not shed their leaves altogether. This keeps the forest evergreen.
- Hardwood trees such as rosewood, ebony and mahogany are found here.
Q 22 – Mention the features of Mediterranean trees.
Ans. These trees adapt themselves to dry summers with the help of their thick barks and wax-coated leaves which help them reduce transportation.
Q 23 – Write a short note tropical grasslands.
Ans. Tropical grasslands occur on either side of the equator and extend till the tropics. This vegetation grows in the areas of moderate to low amount of rainfall. The grass can grow very tall, about 3 to 4 metres in height. Savannah grasslands of Africa are of this type. Common animals found here are elephants, zebras, giraffes, deer and leopards
Q 24 – Give cm account of the natural vegetation and wildlife found in the polar regions.
Ans. Polar regions are extremely cold. Therefore the growth of natural vegetation is very limited here. Only mosses, lichens and veiy small shrubs are found here. They grow during the very short summer. This is called Tundra type of vegetation. This vegetation is found in the polar areas of Europe, Asia and North America. The animals found here have thick fur and thick skin which protect them from the cold climatic conditions. Seal, walruses, musk-oxen, Arctic owl, Polar bear and snow foxes are some of the animals found in these regions.
Q 25 – Discuss various types of forests.
Ans. Types of forests: ,
- Tropical evergreen forests
- Tropical deciduous forests
- Temperate evergreen forests
- Temperate deciduous forests
- Mediterranean vegetation
- Coniferous forests
1.Tropical evergreen forests. These forest are very dense and found in the regions near the equator and close to the tropics. These regions receive heavy rain throughout the year. The trees of these forests do not shed their leaves altogether and therefore they remain green all the time. Hardwood trees like rosewood, ebony and mahogany are found here.
2. Tropical deciduous forests. These forest are found in the regions which experience seasonal changes. Trees shed their leaves in the dry season to conserve water. The hardwood trees like sal, teak, neem and shisham are found here. Animals like tigers, lions, elephants, langoors and monkeys are common in these forests.
3.Temperate evergreen forests. These forests are commonly found along the eastern margin of the continents. They comprise both hard and softwood trees. For example, oak, pine, eucalyptus etc.
4. Temperate deciduous forests. Trees of these forests shed their leaves in dry ‘season’. Oak, ash, beech, etc. are common trees here. Deer, foxes, wolves, etc. are common animals in these forests.
5. Mediterranean vegetation. It is mostly found in the areas around the Mediterranean sea in Europe, Africa and Asia. Citrus fruits like oranges, figs, olives and grapes are commonly cultivated in the Mediterranean regions.
6. Coniferous forests. They are also called Taiga. They are tall, softwood evergreen trees. Chir, pine, cedar is an important variety of trees in these forests. Silver, fox, mink, polar bear are the common animals found here.
Q 26 – Describe different types of grasslands.
Ans. Different types of grasslands are:
- Tropical grasslands
- Temperate grasslands
- Thorny bushes
- Tropical grasslands. This type of vegetation grows in the areas of moderate to low amounts of rainfall. The grass here can grow very tall, about 3 to 4 metres in height. Savannah grasslands of Africa are of this type. Common animals found here are elephants, zebras, giraffes, deer, leopards etc.
- Temperate grasslands. This type of vegetation is found in the mid-latitudinal zones and in the interior part of the continents. Grass here is usually short and nutritious. Common animals found in this region are wild buffaloes, bison, antelopes etc.
- Thorny bushes. These are found in the dry desert-like regions. Tropical deserts are located on the western margins of the continents, which are characterised by scarce vegetatio
Vegetation in the polar regions is also limited. Only mosses, lichens, and very small shrubs are found here. It grows during the very short summer. This is called Tundra type of vegetation. Polar animals have thick fur and thick skin which protect them from the cold climate conditions, for example, seal, walruses, musk-oxen, Arctic owl, etc
Q 27 – What changes occur when we go to the higher places?
Ans. As we go higher and higher places, we can see the changes in the landform and natural vegetation.
Q 28 – Which types of plants are found on higher places?
Ans. On the higher places we find tall trees with thin pointed leaves and cone-shaped canopies which are called coniferous trees on the mountain slopes.
Q 29 – Where are shrubs found?
Ans. Shrubs are found in the dry regions.
Q 30 – Name the trees found in the Tropical deciduous forests
Ans. Sal, teak, neem and shisham.
Q 31 – Where are Savannah grasslands found?
Ans. Savannah grasslands are found in East Africa.
Q 32 – Name some animals found in polar regions.
Ans. Polar bear, snow foxes, seal, walruses etc., are animals found in polar regions.
Q 33 – On what does growth of Vegetation depend?
Ans. The growth of vegetation depends on temperature and moisture. It also depends on factors like slope and thickness of soil.
Q 34 – What is another name of Tropical Evergreen Forest ?
Ans. Tropical Evergreen Forest is also called tropical rainforests.
Q 35 – Mention the special feature of Tropical Evergreen Forest.
Ans. These are thick forests occurring in the regions near the equator and close to the tropics.
Q 36 – Where are Tropical Evergreen Forests found?
Ans. Tropical Evergreen Forests are found in the regions which are hot and receive heavy rainfall throughout the year.
Q 37 – Why are Tropical Evergreen Forests called Evergreen Forest?
Ans. As there is no particular dry season, the trees do not shed their leaves. This is the reason they are called evergreen.
Q 38 – What is the special feature of Tropical Evergreen Forests?
Ans. These are dense and do not allow the sunlight even in the day time.
Q 39 – Name some trees of the Tropical Evergreen Forests?
Ans. In the Tropical Evergreen Forests, are found hardwood trees like rosewood, ebony, mahogany etc.
Q 40 – Which forests are called the monsoon forests?
Ans. Tropical Deciduous Forests are called the monsoon forests.
Q 41 – Where are Tropical Deciduous Forests found?
Ans. These are found in the large part of India, northern Australia and in Central America.
Q 42 – Give the special features of Tropical Deciduous Forests?
Ans. These regions experience seasonal changes. Trees shed their leaves in the dry season to conserve water.
Q 43 – Give the name of trees found in the Tropical Deciduous Forests region?
Ans. Sal, teak, neem and shisham are trees found in these regions.
Q 44 – Where are Temperate Evergreen Forests located?
Ans. Temperate Evergreen Forests are located in the mid-latitudinal coastal region. These are found in south-east USA, South China and in south-east Brazil.
Q 45 – Give the name of trees found in Temperate Evergreen Forests region?
Ans. They comprise both hard and soft wood trees like oak, pine, eucalyptus etc .
Q 46 – Where are Temperate Deciduous Forests situated?
Ans. Temperate Deciduous Forests are found in the north-eastern part of USA, China, New Zealand, Chile and also found in the coastal regions of Western Europe. These are found towards higher latitudes.
Temperate Deciduous Forests are found in the north-eastern part of USA, China, New Zealand, Chile and also found in the coastal regions of Western Europe. These are found towards higher latitudes.
Q 47 – Name the trees, animals and birds found in Temperate Deciduous Forests region.
Ans. The common trees are oak, ash, beech, etc. Deer, foxes, wolves are the animals commonly found. Birds like pheasants, monals are also found here.
Q 48 – Where are Mediterranean vegetation found?
Ans. The west and south-west margins of the continents have Mediterranean vegetation. It is mostly found in the areas around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, Africa and Asia. These regions are marked for hot dry summers and mild rainy winters.
Q 49 – Name the fruits found in Mediterranean vegetation.
Ans. Citrus fruits such as oranges, figs, olives and grapes are commonly cultivated.
Q 50 – Where are Coniferous Forests found?
Ans. Coniferous Forests are found in the higher latitudes of Northern hemisphere. These are also called as Taiga.
Q 51 – Name types of natural vegetation classified into broader categories.
Ans. Natural vegetation is generally classified into three broad categories:
Q 52 – What are Tropical Deciduous Forests?
Ans. Tropical Deciduous Forests are the monsoon forests that are found in the large part of India, northern Australia and in Central America. These regions experience seasonal changes. Trees shed their leaves in the dry season to conserve water. Sal, teak, neem and shisham are trees found in these regions.
Q 53 – Briefly describe about the Temperate Evergreen Forests?
Ans. Temperate Evergreen Forests are located in the mid-latitudinal coastal region. These are found in south-east USA, South China and in South-east Brazil. They comprise both hard and soft wood trees like oak, pine, eucalyptus etc.
Q 54 – Where are Temperate Deciduous Forests found? Briefly describe.
Ans. Temperate Deciduous Forests are found in the north-eastern part of USA, China, New Zealand, Chile and also found in the coastal regions of Western Europe. These are found towards higher latitudes.
The trees shed their leaves in the dry season. The common trees are oak, ash, beech, etc. Deer, foxes, wolves are the animals commonly found. Birds like pheasants, monals are also found here.
Q 55 – Where is Mediterranean vegetation found? Name the fruits found in this region.
Ans. The west and south west margins of the continent have Mediterranean vegetation. It is mostly found in the areas around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, Africa and Asia. These regions are marked for hot dry summers and mild rainy winters. Citrus fruits such as oranges, figs, olives and grapes are com¬monly cultivated here
Q 56 – Mention the major features of Coniferous Forests.
Ans. Coniferous Forests are found in the higher latitudes of northern hemisphere. These are also called as Taiga. The trees found here are tall, softwood evergreen trees. Silver fox, mink, polar bear are the common animals found here.
Q 57 – Name different types of forests.
Ans.Different types of forests are:
- Tropical evergreen
- Tropic deciduous
- Temperate evergreen
- Temperate deciduous
- Mediterranean vegetation
- Coniferous forests
Q 58 – Name different types of Grasslands.
Different types of grasslands are:
(i) Tropical grasslands
(ii) Temperate grasslands
(iii) Throny bushes
Q 59 – Write a short note on Tropical Evergreen Forests.
Ans. Tropical Evergreen Forest is also called tropical rainforests. These are thick forests which occur in the regions near the equator and close to the tropics.
Tropical Evergreen Forests are found in the regions which are hot and receive heavy rainfall throughout the year. As there is no particular dry season, the trees do not shed its leaves. This is the reason they are called evergreen. These are dense and do not allow the sunlight even in the day time. Hardwood trees like rosewood, ebony, mahogany are common here.
Q 60 – Describe different types of grasslands.
Ans. (i) Tropical grasslands: These occur on either side of the equator and extend till the tropics. This vegetation grows in the areas of moderate to low amount of rainfall. The grass can grow very tall, about 3 to 4 metres in height. Savannah grasslands of Africa are of this type. Elephants, zebras, giraffes, deers, leopards are common in tropical grasslands.
(ii) Temperate grasslands: These are found in the mid-latitudinal zones and in the interior part of the continents. Wild buffaloes, bisons, antelopes are common in the temperate region.
(iii) Thorny bushes: These are found in the dry desert-like regions. These are located on the western margins of the continents.
Q 61 – Distinguish between Tropical Evergreen Forests and Tropical Deciduous Forests.
Ans. table