The Industrial Revolution For Class 11 History Important Test Papers

Q 1 – The Miner’s Friend, a model steam engine, was built by –
(a) Matthew Boulton
(b) James Watt
(c) Thomas Newcomen
(d) Thomas Savery

Q 2 – To drain mines, the Miner’s Friend was invented, in 1698, by
(a) James Watt.
(b) Thomas Savery.
(c) Thomas Newcomen.
(d) Matthew Boulton.

Q 3 – The enclosure movement, which caused hardship to farmers, began in
(a) 1760s.
(b) 1770s.
(c) 1780s.
(d) 1790s.

Q 4 – The first railway line in Britain was constructed in _____ between the cities of Stockholm and
(a) 1822 C.E.
(b) 1824 C.E.
(c) 1825 C.E.
(d) 1827 C.E.

Q 5 – ____ were those laws which prevented the import of cheaper food until prices in Britain had risen to a certain level.
(a) Wheat Laws
(b) Rice Laws
(c) Corn Laws
(d) Lentil Laws

Q 6 – Which one of the following is a machine that greatly contributed to the revolution in the textile industry?
(a) Flying shuttle
(b) Watt steam
(c) The typewriter
(d) The locomotive

Q 7 – To drain mines, the Miner’s Friend was invented, in 1698, by
(a) James Watt
(b) Thomas Savery
(c) Thomas Newcomen
(d) Matthew Boulton

Q 8 – In 1814, the railway engineer George Stephenson constructed a locomotive called
(a) The Butcher
(b) The Puffing Devil
(c) The Pumping Ghost
(d) The Mighty Force

Q 9 – The first Derby invented a _____ in 1709 C.E.
(a) Flying shuttle
(b) Blast Furnace
(c) The typewriter
(d) The locomotive

Q 10 – Initially, canals were built in England to
(a) transport coal to cities
(b) transport food grains
(c) transport people
(d) transport raw cotton

Q 11 – Among the several factors which made Britain the first industrialized country, the one described as a major economic change, in the 18th century, was
(a) Common laws
(b) Single currency and market
(c) Use of money as a medium of exchange
(d) Agricultural Revolution

Q 12 – The Miner’s Friend, a model steam engine, was built by
(a) Matthew Boulton
(b) James Watt
(c) Thomas Newcomen
(d) Thomas Savery

Q 13 – By the 1850s, most of Britain was connected by
(a) rivers
(b) railways
(c) canals
(d) roads

Q 14 – The first blast furnace was invented by
(a) Henry Cort
(b) Abraham Darby III
(c) Abraham Darby I
(d) Abraham Darby II

Q 15 – Which one of the following is not true regarding the demands of participants of Luddism?
(a) Fix working hours
(b) Control over women and child labor
(c) Employment for those who had lost their jobs due to coming of machinery
(d) Right to form trade unions to legally present their demands

Q 16 – During the little railway mania of 1833-37 in Britain, the total number of railway lines built was
(a) 1400 miles
(b) 1500 miles
(c) 1600 miles
(d) 1700 miles

Q 17 – The transformation of industry and the economy in Britain, between the 1780s and the 1850s, is called the
(a) first industrial revolution
(b) first agricultural revolution
(c) first technological revolution
(d) first communication revolution

Q 18 – Do you think, the businessmen and inventors were ‘ wealthy and educated who had sown the seed of industrialization?

Q 19 – What was the foremost factor which had made Britain the founding father of the Industrial Revolution?

Q 20 – How did London become a triangular trade network?

Q 21 – Why is there seen a gap of a few years or decades or even a century between development and its widespread application?

Q 22 – Why were women and children compelled to work in factories?

Q 23 – How did the reforms take place through laws?

Q 24 – What did the Mines and Collieries Act, 1842 and Fielder’s Factory Act, 1847 do for people working in mines of Britain?

Q 25 – What has been written by D.H. Lawrence, an essayist and novelist in Britain about the change in villages nearby the mines?

Q 26 – What kind of description of factories made by Charles Dickens in his novel Hard Times?

Q 27 – What is First Industrial Revelation?

Q 28 – Explain in detail after growing importance of London at global; level?

Q 29 – What wear Coasters?

Q 30 – When was the Bank of England Founded?