Heredity and Evolution For Class 10 Biology Extra Question Answer

Q 1 – Define heredity?

Q 2 – Define variation.

Q 3 – Define a gene.

Q 4 – What are the components of the chromosome?

Q 5 – Write one word for the formation of new species due to gradual change over long period of time.  

Q 6 – Write the sex of the baby that inherits Y-chromosome from the father.  

Q 7 – Name the scientist who gave the theory of evolution.

Q 8 – Define homologous organs.

Q 9 – Define species. 

Q 10 – Define natural selection. 

Q 11 – Identify the analogous and homologous organs amongst the following – wings of an insect, wings of a bat, forelimbs of lizard, and forelimbs of bird. 


Q 12 – Give an example where sex is determined by the environmental factors. 

Q 13 – How is sex determined in human beings?

Q 14 – How can we say that change in genes can be brought about by change in DNA? 

Q 15 – In pea plant, round seed is dominant over wrinkled. If a cross is carried between these two plants, give answer to the following questions.
(a) Mention the genes for the traits of parents.
(b) State the trait of F1 hybrids.
(c) Write the ratio of F2 progeny obtained from this cross. What is the name of the cross?

Q 16 – What do you understand by reproductive isolation?

Q 17 – Explain with the help of a suitable example where the colour change gives no survival advantage to a species?

Q 18 – Distinguish between acquired and inherited traits with example of each.

Q 19 – How can it be said that birds are closely related to reptiles?  

Q 20 – Explain Darwin’s theory of evolution.

Q 21 – Define Genetics. What is the contribution of Mendel in the field of genetics?

Q 22 – Can you justify the statement that “Human males are responsible for determining the sex of the baby and not females”? 

Q 23 – How do embryological studies provide evidence for evolution?

  • If a sperm carrying Y – chromosome fertilises the egg, then the child born will be a male i.e., AA + XY.
  • If a sperm carrying X – chromosome fertilises the egg then the child born will be a female i.e., AA + XX

Thus we can infer that the sperm of the male determines the sex of the child.


Q 24 – Red beetles live in a bush with green beetles. Eventually, the number of green beetles increases as compared to red beetles”.

(a) Give a reason for the increased number of green beetles.
(b) State two advantages of variations

Q 25 – Name the scientist who gave the ‘Theory of Natural Selection’. State and explain the theory briefly.  

Q 26 – Define the term ‘Evolution’. “Evolution cannot be equated with progress”. Justify.

Q 27 – Our teeth and elephant’s tusks are homologous organs”. Justify this statement. What do the analogous organs indicate? 

Q 28 – How and why did human race spread from Africa to other parts of the world?

Q 29 – Give reasons why acquired characters are not inherited.

Q 30 – Demonstrate with an example that traits may be dominant or recessive. Write down Mendel’s law related to it.

Q 31 – In a monohybrid cross between tall pea plants denoted by TT and short pea plants denoted by tt, Preeti obtained only tall plants denoted by Tt in the F1 generation. However, in F2 generation she obtained both tall and short pea plants. Using the above information, explain the law of dominance.

Q 32 – Define speciation. What are the factors which lead to speciation? 

Q 33 – In a cross between plants with purple flowers and plants with white flowers, the FI had all white flowers. When F1 generation was self bred, the F2 generation gave rise to 100 individuals, 75 of which had white flowers. Make a cross and answer.
(а) What are the genotypes of F2 individual?
(b) What is the ratio of purple flowered plants in F2 generation? 

Q 34 – Does geographical isolation of individuals of a species lead to formation of a new species? Provide a suitable explanation.

Q 35 – Bacteria have a similar body plan when compared with human beings. Does it mean that human beings are more evolved than bacteria. provide a suitable explanation.

Q 36 – Give the basic features of the mechanism of inheritance.

Q 37 – In a cross between plants with purple flowers and plants with white flowers, the F1 had all purple flowers. When F1 generation was self bred, the F2 generation gave rise to 100 individuals, 75 of which had purple flowers. Make a cross and answer.
(a) What are the genotypes of F2 individual?
(b) What is the ratio of purple flowered plants in F2 generation?

Q 38 – An elephant learns a trick at the circus. Will his offsprings also know the trick by birth? Support your answer with reasons. 

Q 39 – Do genetic combination of mother’s play a significant role in determining the sex of a new born?

Q 40 – Mention three important features of fossils which help in the study of evolution.

Q 41 – In human beings, the statistical probability of getting either a male or female child is 50 : 50. Give a suitable explanation.

Q 42 – A very small population of a species faces a greater threat of extinction than a larger population. Provide a suitable genetic explanation.

Q 43 – A man who has four sons and one daughter believes that he produces more of sperms with Y as a chromosome. With suitable reasons, justify whether he is right or wrong in thinking this way.

Q 44 – Akshat and his wife have attached earlobe (recessive trait) and are professional dancers. They told their colleagues that their offspring would also have attached earlobe and will be a good dancer. Is their notion right? Support your answer with suitable reasons.

Q 45 – “An individual cannot pass on to its progeny the experiences of its lifetime.” Justify the statement with the help of an example and also give reason for the same.

Q 46 – Rohit’s father is a wrestler and has a robust body. He was also awarded as Mr. India when he was young. Rohit is the only child. As Rohit grew older, everyone expected him to have the same body built as his father. But he is thin. His friends tease him and he feels depressed by it.
(а) Is it true that a wrestler’s son should also have heavy muscles?
(b) What type of character is it: acquired or inherited?
(c) What are the values shown by Rohit’s friends?  

Q 47 – Explain the mechanism of sex determination in humans.
With the help of a flow chart explain in brief how the sex of a newborn is genetically determined in human beings. Which of the two parents, the mother or the father, is responsible for determination of sex of a child?

Q 48 – What are homologous organs? Can the wing of a butterfly and the wing of a bat be regarded as homologous? Why?

Q 49 – Distinguish between homologous organs and analogous organs. In which category; would you place wings of a bird and wings of a bat? Justify your answer giving a suitable reason.

Q 50 – A blue colour flower plant denoted by BB is cross breed with that of white colour flower plant denoted by bb.
(a) State the colour of flower you would expect in their F1 generation plants.
(b) What must be the percentage of white flower plants in F2 generation if flowers of F1 plants are self-pollinated?
(c) State the expected ratio of the genotypes BB and Bb in the F2 progeny.