Q 1 – Till 1832, a large area of land given to Santhals was demarcated as                  
(a) Damin-i-Koh
(b) Twenty four kos
(c) Santhal property
(d) Paharias property

Q 2 – The life span of Maharaja Mehtab Chand was                                                            
(a) 1830-1889
(b) 1820-1879
(c) 1825-1863
(d) 1832-1888

Q 3 – The jotedars, who were more powerful than zamindars in rural Bengal, were most powerful in                                                                                                        
(a) East Bengal
(b) North Bengal
(c) South Bengal
(d) West Bengal

Q 4 – The Ryotwari system was implemented mainly in                                                   
(a) Bombay Deccan
(b) Calcutta and Northern India
(c) Northern India only
(d) Bihar and Assam

Q 5 – The Company established its rule in Bengal in mid                                                  
(a) 1770s
(b) 1760s
(c) 1750s
(d) 1740s

Q 6 – Who introduced Permanent Settlement?                                                                        
(a) Lord William Bentinck
(b) Lord Cornwalis
(c) Lord Northbrook
(d) Lord Lytton

Q 7 – Why were the estates of the Zamindar auctioned in the colonial Bengal and explain about the ‘Sunset Law’ ?          

Q 8 – Describe the measures taken by the East India company to control Zamindars.

Q 9 – Discuss the difficulties faced by the Zamindars while collecting land revenue?         

Q 10 – Who were Jotedars and how did they resist Zamindars?                                        

Q 11– Explain the term ‘ Yeomen Farmers ‘ & Who were  ‘ Bargadars ‘ ?                       

Q 12– Who were the Paharias ? How did they earn their livelihood ?                            

Q 13 – Mention any two duties of a Paharia Chief.

Q 14 – What was Sunset Law? 

Q 15 – Read the following excerpt related to Jotedars an answer any three questions.

While many zamindars were facing a crisis at the end of the eighteenth century, a group of rich peasants were consolidating their position in the villages. In Francis Buchanan’s survey of the Dinajpur district in North Bengal we have a vivid description of this class of rich peasants known as jotedars. By the early nineteenth century,  jotedars had acquired vast areas of land – sometimes as much as several thousand acres. They controlled local trade as well as money lending, exercising immense power over the poorer cultivators of the region. A large part of their land was cultivated through sharecroppers (adhiyars or bargadars) who brought their own ploughs, laboured in the field, and handed over half
the produce to the jotedars after the harvest. Within the villages, the power of jotedars was more effective than that of zamindars. Unlike zamindars who often lived in urban areas, jotedars were located in the villages and exercised direct control over a considerable section of poor villagers. They fiercely resisted efforts by zamindars to increase the jama of the village, prevented zamindari officials from executing their duties, mobilised ryots who were dependent on them, and deliberately delayed payments of revenue to the zamindar. In fact, when the estates of the zamindars were auctioned for failure to make revenue payment, jotedars were often amongst the purchasers.

Q . Who were jotedars in nineteenth century?                                                               

i. Rich peasants

ii. Zamindars

iii. Large Landholders

iv. Poor People

Q . A large part of their land was cultivated through sharecroppers. Who were they?

i. They have their own plough and labour                                                                 

ii. Poor people of the village

iii. Daily wages people

iv. All of the above

Q . Choose the correct option.

Assertion (A) –­ Within the villages, the powers of Jotedars was more effective than that of Zamindars.

Reason (R)  – Jotedars had acquired vast areas of land.


(a) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(c) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.

(d) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.

 Q 16 – How did the Santhals begin to come into Bengal around the 1780s? Give two reasons.

 Q 17 – Why did British officials want to make forests clear and expand the settled cultivation. Mention the reasons.

 Q 18 – Why did the Paharias regurly raid the plains?                                                           

 Q 19 – Explain the main features of the auction in Burdwan ?                                         

 Q 20 – Why did the Santhals rebel against Zamindars , moneylenders and the Colonial Power?  Give the reasons.

 Q 21 –“Subsidiary Alliance System played significant role in extending British control over India. Explain the terms and conditions of the Subsidiary Alliance  System.


“The battle between the hoe and the plough was a long one”. Substantiate the statement with reference to the Santhals and Paharias of Rajmahal hills during 18th century. 

 Q 22 – Why were the Jotedars powerful figure in many areas of rural Bengal at the end of the Eighteenth Century? Give two reasons.

 Q 23 – Critically examine ‘the Fifth Report’ of late Eighteenth Century. 


“ After introducing the permanent Settlement in Bengal, the Zamindars regularly  failed to pay the land revenue demand.” Examine the causes and consequences of it.