Q 26 – What kind of changes are bought by internal forces? (a) It gives birth to new landforms (b) It promotes moistures (c) Both a and b (d) None of the above
Q 32 – Which is the force that continuously elevates or build up parts of the earth’s surface? (a) Exogenic forces (b) Endogenic forces (c) Gradation (d) Degradation
Q 37 – In weathering ________ (a) No motion of material takes place (b) Materials move from one place to another (c) The deposition of material takes place (d) None of the above
Q 39 – Weathering can be defined as ___________ (a) Mechanical disintegration of rocks (b) Disintegration and deformation of rocks with the help of climatic factors (c) Chemical decomposition of rocks (d) All the above
Q 49 – Which type of weathering occurs due to growth of ice within pores and cracks of rocks during repeated cycles of freezing and melting? (a) Frost weathering (b) Landslides (c) Water weathering (d) Crystallisation.