Solar Radiation, Heat balance and Temperature For Class 11 Geography Test Paper

Q 1 – ______ are lines joining places having an equal temperature.
(a) Isotherms
(b) Evaporation
(c) Convection
(d) Pyrheliometer

Q 2 – The dark spots appearing on the sun’s surface are called
(a) Sun spots
(b) Aurora australis
(c) Auroralis
(d) none of these

Q 3 – What is the temperature at the sun’s gaseous surface?
(a) 570 degree Celsius
(b) 5700 degree celcius
(c) 57000 degree Celsius
(d) 5000 degree celcius

Q 4 – Differences in pressure on the earth surface causes:
(a) Winds
(b) Precipitation
(c) Hail
(d) Seasons

Q 5 – The sun is vertically overhead at noon on 21st June at
(a) the equator
(b) 23.5 degree N
(c) 23.5 degree S
(d) 66.5 degree N

Q 6 – The heat energy absorbed by a known area in a fixed time is determined with the help of an instrument called
(a) Psychrometer
(b) Pyrheliometer
(c) Thermometric well
(d) Any instrument

Q 7 – What is Isotherm?
(a) The line joining the places of equal temperature
(b) The incoming short wave radiation
(c) The line joining the places of equal pressure
(d) None of the above

Q 8 – The earth radiates energy to the atmosphere in:
(a) Long wavelengths
(b) Radiation
(c) Insolation
(d) Short wavelengths

Q 9 – What causes the variations in insolation?
(a) rotation of the earth on its axis
(b) terrestrial radiations
(c) atmospheric gases
(d) none of these

Q 10 –Earth receives almost all its energy from the
(a) sun
(b) moon
(c) stars
(d) none of these

Q 11 – Name the sphere which constitutes the earth.
(a) atmosphere
(b) hydrosphere
(c) organic biosphere
(d) lithosphere

Q 12 –Insolation refers to ________
(a) Wind direction
(b) Solar radiation
(c) Precipitation
(d) None of the above

Q 13 – On what day the earth is nearest to the sun?
(a) 21st June
(b) 23rd December
(c) 3rd January
(d) 21st July

Q 14 – Bodies radiate energy in which form?
(a) light
(b) wave
(c) particles
(d) none of these

Q 15 –The days are longest at
(a) Thiruvananthapuram
(b) Hyderabad
(c) Chandigarh
(d) Nagpur

Q 16 – Maximum insolation is received over the ____________
(a) Equator
(b) Tropical areas
(c) Sub-tropical areas
(d) Poles

Q 17 – Earth in turn radiates the heat back to the atmosphere in long waves called
(a) terrestrial radiation
(b) photochemical radiation
(c) heat radiations
(d) ultraviolet radiations

Q 18 – This process of vertical heating of the atmosphere is known as ________
(a) Psychrometer
(b) Convection
(c) Evaporation
(d) None of the above

Q 19 – What is the distance between the sun and the earth?
(a) 152 million km.
(b) 1520 million km.
(c) 15200 million km.
(d) 1500 million km.

Q 20 – Which factor determines the angle of inclination of solar rays?
(a) altitude
(b) ocean currents
(c) latitude
(d) rotation of the earth

Q 21 – Through which process the colour of the sky seems blue?
(a) absorption
(b) reflection
(c) scattering
(d) none of these

Q 22 – The combined reflection from the earth’s surface and clouds is known as
(a) insolation
(b) reflection
(c) albedo
(d) aurora Australis

Q 23 – When is North pole inclined 23½° toward the sun?
(a) 21st March
(b) 21st June
(c) 23rd September
(d) 23rd March

Q 24 – The earth transmits the heat by
(a) conduction
(b) convection
(c) radiation
(d) all of these

Q 25 – On what day the sun is overhead at the Tropic of Cancer?
(a) July 21st
(b) June 21st
(c) January 3rd
(d) March 21st

Q 26 – The angle of inclination of sun’s rays at noon at Delhi (28°N):
(a) 85°
(b) 47°
(c) 0°
(d) 57°

Q 27 – How much solar radiation is received at the top of the atmosphere?
(a) 100 units
(b) 110 units
(c) 47 units
(d) 53 units

Q 28 – Which processes operate on insolation during the passage through the atmosphere?
(a) absorption
(b) scattering
(c) reflection
(d) all of these

Q 29 – By which process the earth’s surface is heated?
(a) convection
(b) conduction
(c) radiation
(d) none of these

Q 30 – The heat transfer by contact is termed as
(a) conduction
(b) convection
(c) radiation
(d) none of these

Q 31 – What is air drainage?

Q 32 – Discuss the variation in the distribution of insolation over the earth’s surface.

Q 33 – What are the effects of the atmosphere on insolation?

Q 34 – Define temperature.

Q 35 – Explain how the ocean currents influence the temperature distribution over the earth surface.

Q 36 – What is the difference between direct radiation and diffused radiation?

Q 37 – How does the angle of the sun’s rays falling on the ground affect the amount of insolation?

Q 38 – Discuss the impact of altitude on temperature over the atmosphere.

Q 39 – Why do different parallels receive different amounts of insolation?