Changing Cultural Traditions For Class 11 History Important Questions Answer

Q 1 – The painting ‘Mona Lisa’ was made by
(a) Leonardo da Vinci
(b) Michelangelo
(c) Raphael
(d) Donatello

Q 2 – The earliest universities in the European continent were set up in the country of
(a) France
(b) Germany
(c) Italy
(d) England

Q 3 – Renaissance is best known for its
(a) cultural developments
(b) social developments
(c) political developments
(d) economic developments

Q 4 – When Renaissance occurred in Europe?
(a) 11th century
(b) 13th century
(c) 15th century
(d) 16th century

Q 5 – Petrarch was given the title of Poet Laureate in Rome in
(a) 1341
(b) 1342
(c) 1343
(d) 1344

Q 6 – By the early fifteenth century, ______ was used for those masters who taught grammar, poetry, rhetoric, history, and moral philosophy.
(a) literates
(b) humanists
(c) authors
(d) writers

Q 7 – In Arabic, the person who was known as ‘Aflatun’ was
(a) Plato
(b) Aristotle
(c) Dante
(d) Ceasar

Q 8 – The families that gave more importance to women during the 15th century were those of
(a) aristocrats
(b) artists
(c) merchants
(d) scholars

Q 9 – William Tyndal while presenting English version of Bible says
(a) It will create public awareness to religion
(b) Network of Christianity would increase
(c) It will imprint virtues in the hearts of masses
(d) It will disclose how trickily, the church and its clergy men have made Bible all for their advantage.

Q 10 – Copernicus was afraid of printing his manuscript because
(a) It was not good to mankind
(b) It was a disclosure of Church’s fallacy
(c) It would here jeopardise his image in society
(d) He wanted to avoid its bitter percussions in his individual life-time.

Q 11 – Erasmus, a Christian humanist was from
(a) Africa
(b) Asia
(c) Holland
(d) England.

Q 12 – Petrarch was given the title of ‘Poet Laureate’ in Rome in
(a) 1341.
(b) 1342.
(c) 1343.
(d) 1344.

Q 13 – The author of the book ‘The Prince’ is
(a) Lorenzo Valla.
(b) Gutenberg.
(c) Machiavelli.
(d) Alberti.

Q 14 – Renaissance is best known for its
(a) cultural developments.
(b) social developments.
(c) political developments.
(d) economic developments.

Q 15 – The opening of trade between Europe and China started in the
(a) 9th century.
(b) 10th century.
(c) 11th century.
(d) 12th century.

Q 16 – Ptolemy’s Almagest was a work on ______.
(a) Mathematics
(b) Astronomy
(c) Philosophy
(d) Sociology

Q 17 – Andreas Vesalius was a professor of _____ at the University of Padua.
(a) Medicine
(b) Astronomy
(c) Philosophy
(d) Mathematics

Q 18 – Who has first given the term “Renaissance” to the cultural changes in Europe during the fourteenth to the seventeenth century?

Q 19 – What other names can you suggest to the renaissance there?

Q 20 – What will you say the virgin rise of a renaissance in Italy?

Q 21 – Write some characteristics of Venice and Genoa cities?

Q 22 – Mention the period of the middle ages/medieval period in the history of Europe?

Q 23 – What do you understand by classical architecture?

Q 24 – Who had established the knowledge as distinct from belief?

Q 25 – Is it good to state Renaissance as a period of dynamism and artistic creativity while the Middle ages as a period of gloom and lack of development?

Q 26 – Which things had to widen the horizon of European skill?

Q 27 – Mention the names of women intellectually creative during the period of the renaissance in Europe.

Q 28 – Discuss the underlying principle presumptions constituting independent city-states in Italy.

Q 29 – Mention the major developments which took place between the period fourteenth and seventeenth centuries in the orderly timeline.

Q 30 – Locate Venice on the map of Italy and look at G.Bellni’s paintings. How would you describe the city and in what ways was it different from a Catherdral town?

Q 31 – Compare the aspirations for women (Fedele) and by a man (Castiglione). Did they have only a weapon of a particular class in mind?

Q 32 – What were the issues on which the Protestants criticized? the Catholic Church?

Q 33 – What do you understand by Private and Public spheres of Life? Explain.

Q 34 – Do you agree with Albrecht Durer’s statement that Art is embedded in nature, he who can extract it, has it? Justify your answer with illustrations?

Q 35 – Whether Jacob Burckhardt, Professor at the University of Basle in Switzerland is correct in saying that history is as much concerned with culture as with politics? Explain.