Paths to Modernization For Class 11 History Important Question Answer

Q 1 – The silk industry was developed in ______ so as to reduce the import of silk.
(a) Osaka
(b) Kyushu
(c) Nishijin
(d) Beppu

Q 2 – The slogan Fukoku Kyohei under the Meiji rule in Japan meant _______
(a) rich country, strong army
(b) strong lands, strong rivers
(c) rich lands, strong rivers
(d) rich country, weak neighbor

Q 3 – The Western sciences such as astronomy and mathematics were introduced in China by
(a) Biblical missionary
(b) Jehovah missionary
(c) Jesuit missionaries
(d) Prophet missionary

Q 4 – The independence of Korea, after World War II, was ensured due to:
(a) Japan’s defeat and surrender in World War II
(b) Continued efforts of freedom activists within and outside Korea
(c) Support of international leaders for Korea’s independence
(d) Temporary division of Korean peninsula

Q 5 – Syngman Rhee, Korea’s first elected president had to resign, after the April Revolution because:

(a) Rhee got himself elected as president, in 1948 CE, through illegal means

(b) Rhee extended his rule by illegally amending the constitution

(c) Koreans protested against a rigged election, which took place in 1960 CE

(d) Koreans desired unification of North and South Korea, which Rhee was unwilling to accommodate

Q 6 – After the Korean War, South Korea received economic assistance from:
(a) The U.S.A.
(b) U.N.O.
(c) China
(d) Japan

Q 7 – Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao preferred a modern administrative system, a new army and an educational system because—
(a) It will govern better the public
(b) It will be helpful to protest against Britain
(c) It will defend them, from Japan
(d) These three are an essence of a modernised Government.

Q 8 – Chiang-Kai-Shek could not lead the NPP properly because
(a) He was aggressive
(b) He could not make his base strong,
(c) He was driven out at Taiwan
(d) He stressed on elimination of CCP.

Q 9 – Japan could modernise rapidly because
(a) She had sufficient means and machines.
(b) There was repository of coal and other natural resources.
(c) She could analyse the situation national and international the best way and took right decisions.
(d) There were bullions stock in several mines.

Q 10 – Path of modernisation runs between
(a) The situations and the means
(b) Availability of men and machines
(c) Thought and their application
(d) Neither of them.

Q 11 – Taiwan was
(a) An independent state
(b) Japan’s colony
(c) Semi- autonomous state
(d) provience

Q 12 – Japanese rule in Korea, which lasted till 1945 CE, was not liked by Koreans because:
(a) Koreans preferred being ruled by China, instead of Japan.
(b) Japan, a puppet of Western powers, ruled as per the latter’s desires.
(c) Japan wanted to suppress Korean culture and forcibly assimilate Koreans.
(d) Koreans wanted restoration of Joseon rule in Korea.

Q 13 – The third longest river in the world that flows in China is the
(a) Pearl River
(b) Xi River
(c) Yangtse River (Chang Jiang)
(d) Yellow River (Huang He)

Q 14 – After the Korean War, South Korea received economic assistance from:
(a) U.S.A.
(b) U.N.O.
(c) China
(d) Japan

Q 15 – The independence of Korea, after World War II, was ensured due to:
(a) Japan’s defeat and surrender in World War II
(b) Continued efforts of freedom activists within and outside Korea
(c) Support of international leaders for Korea’s independence
(d) Temporary division of Korean peninsula

Q 16 – Japan imported luxury goods from ______.
(a) China
(b) Russia
(c) Korea
(d) India

Q 17 – The slogan ‘Fukoku Kyohei’ under the Meiji rule in Japan meant _______.
(a) rich country, strong army
(b) strong lands, strong rivers
(c) rich lands, strong rivers
(d) rich country, weak neighbour

Q 18 – Write the names of historians famous in China and Japan.

Q 19 – What is a physical contest between China and Japan?

Q 20 – What kind of regional diversity in Chinese food is seen?

Q 21 – Write the names of four large islands forming Japan?

Q 22 – How can you state that Japan achieved economic growth during the regime of Shoguns?

Q 23 – Describe the commotion created in Japan when China, was defeated by the British?

Q 24 – What acts did exhibit the modernization of the Japanese economy?

Q 25 – Who was Tanaka Shozo and why is he so popular in Japan’s politics?

Q 26 – What was the essence of the new constitution formed in Japan after her defeat in the hands of the USA?

Q 27 – What were the questions in debate ringing in the minds of the populace in China?

Q 28 – Do you think modernization can be brought in personality, in ways of thinking, in appearance, in behavioral pattern, etc. merely by direct copying siblings, great men, etc? Discuss.

Q 29 – Why do you think Japan is progressing?

Q 30 – Analyze the path chosen by China for her modernization?

Q 31 – Give a brief account of C.C.P?

Q 32 – Who were the leaders of the Guomindang or N.P.P. and C.C.P. What they did?

Q 33 – Contrast the encounter of the Japanese and the Aztecs with the Europeans.

Q 34 – Would you agree with Nishitani’s definition of “Modem”?

Q 35 – Does the following painting give you a clear sense of the significance of the opium war?

The Opium Trade

The demand for Chinese goods such as tea, silk, and porcelain created a serious balance-of-trade problem. Western goods did not find a market in China, so payment had to be in silver. The East India Company found a new option – opium, which grew in India. They sold the opium in China and gave the silver that they earned to company agents in Canton in return for letters of credit. The company used the silver to buy tea, silk, and porcelain to sell in Britain. This was the ‘triangular trade’ between Britain, India, and China.