atmospheric circulation and weather system For Class 11 Geography Important Question

Q 1 – A standard atmosphere is a unit of pressure defined as
(a) 101325 Pascal
(b) 1325 Pascal
(c) 10132 Pascal
(d) 11325 Pascal

Q 2 – The horizontal distribution of pressure is studied by drawing
(a) isotherms
(b) isobars
(c) isoheights
(d) isochrones

Q 3 – Wind circulation around a low-pressure center is called
(a) a cyclone
(b) an anticyclone
(c) chinook
(d) trade winds

Q 4 – Subtropical highs are the areas between
(a) 30° N and 30° S.
(b) 40° N and 40° S.
(c) 45° N and 45° S.
(d) 50° N and 50° S.

Q 5 – The weight of a column of air contained in a unit area from the mean sea level to the top of the atmosphere
(a) Atmospheric pressure
(b) Typhoons
(c) Isobars
(d) Coriolis force

Q 6 – The vertical pressure gradient force is much __________ than that of the horizontal pressure gradient.
(a) Lesser
(b) Larger
(c) Equal to
(d) Stronger

Q 7 – Air pressure is measured with the help of a
(a) Thermometer
(b) Hygrometer
(c) Barometer
(d) Isobars

Q 8 – Monsoon is:
(a) Local winds
(b) Seasonal winds
(c) Planetary winds
(d) Periodic winds

Q 9 – A wind circulation around a low pressure centre is called
(a) a cyclone.
(b) an anticyclone.
(c) chinook.
(d) trade winds.

Q 10 – If an air mass is fully lifted above the land surface, it is called:
(a) Warm front
(b) Cold front
(c) Occluded front
(d) Anticyclones

Q 11 – The vertical pressure gradient force is much —– than that of the horizontal pressure gradient.
(a) Lesser
(b) Larger
(c) Equal to
(d) Stronger

Q 12 – The standard atmosphere is a unit of pressure defined as
(a) 101325 Pascal
(b) 1325 Pascal
(c) 10132 Pascal
(d) 11325 Pascal

Q 13 – The force exerted by the rotation of the earth is known
(a) Atmospheric pressure
(b) Equal pressure
(c) Coriolis force
(d) All of the above

Q 14 – Where are the polar maritime air masses located?

Q 15 – What are roaring forties?

Q 16 – What is a pressure gradient?

Q 17 – How do air pressure and winds influence the weather?

Q 18 – What is Coriolis force and who discovered it first?

Q 19 – Explain Ferrel’s law.

Q 20 – Explain the occurrence and importance of ITCZ.

Q 21 – What are tertiary winds?

Q 22 – Give the relation between pressure and temperature.

Q 23 – Describe the local winds in brief.

Q 25 – What is the importance of air mass?

Q 26 – What do you understand by valley breeze?

Q 27 – What do you understand by Horse Latitude?

Q 28 – Describe the global pattern of the distribution of pressure.

Q 29 – Discuss the seasonal variations in the pressure distribution over the earth’s surface.

Q 30 –Distinguish between:
1. planetary and periodic winds,
2. the sea breeze and land breeze.

Q 31 – What are cyclones? Describe the various types of cyclones.

Q 32 – Define and describe the fronts.

Q 33 – What are the two other names of temperate cyclones?