Life on the Earth For Class 11 Geography Important Questions

Q 1 – The type of soil the desert biome has is
(a) Porous with thin layers of humus
(b) Rich in nutrients with little organic matter
(c) Acidic, poor in nutrients
(d) Fertile alluvial

Q 2 – When various plants and animal species have got adapted through evolution is called:
(a) Ecological adaptation
(b) Hydrological adaptation
(c) Homological adaptation
(d) None of the above

Q 3 – Mineral salts come directly from
(a) Earth crust
(b) Water cycle
(c) Atmosphere
(d) Forest biome

Q 4 – Which includes all the living components of the earth.
(a) Hydrosphere
(b) Atmosphere
(c) Biosphere
(d) Lithosphere

Q 5 – Which is a plant and animal community that covers a large geographical area?
(a) Biosphere
(b) Biome
(c) Marshes
(d) Prairies

Q 6 – Which of the following organism have a parasitic mode of nutrition?
(a) Penicillium
(b) Plasmodium
(c) Paramecium
(d) Parrot

Q 7 – Freshwater ecosystem includes
(a) Oceans
(b) Coastal estuaries
(c) Coral reefs
(d) Streams

Q 8 – The earliest man on the earth is known as:
(a) Homoerectus
(b) Homosapien
(c) Homophobic
(d) None of the above

Q 9 – Abiotic factors include
(a) Producers
(b) Consumers
(c) Decomposers
(d) Sunlight

Q 10 – A freshwater ecosystem is
(a) Oceans
(b) Estuaries
(c) Coral reefs
(d) Marshes

Q 11 – Temperate Steppe is a subtype of which biome?
(a) Forest
(b) Desert
(c) Grassland
(d) Aquatic

Q 12 – The boundaries of different biomes on land are determined mainly by
(a) Climate
(b) Temperature
(c) Human activities
(d) Humidity

Q 13 – What is ecology?

Q 14 – Who is known as the father of Ayurveda?

Q 15 – What is ‘Charak Samhita’?

Q 16 – Name the positive biotic interactions.

Q 17 – Give two examples of herbivores and carnivores each.

Q 18 – What are the major determinants of nature and the extent of a biome?

Q 19 – Name the principal grasslands of the world.

Q 20 – Identify the important determinants 6f marine ecosystems.

Q 21 – Name the water bodies which form the freshwater environment.

Q 22 – What is a bio in?

Q 23 – What kind of animals live in tropical rain forests?

Q 24 – What kind of flora and fauna characterize the deserts?

Q 26 – What kind of plant and animal life is supported by tropical savanna?

Q 27 – Write a note on deciduous forests.

Q 28 – Distinguish between food chain and food web.

Q 29 – Describe various structural components of an ecosystem.

Q 30 – What do you understand by biogeochemical cycles?

Q 31 – What is denitrification?

Q 32 – Food chains are not isolated linear chains of trophic levels.” Comment.

Q 33 – Describe the functions of various biotic components.

Q 34 – Describe the energy flow in the biosphere.

Q 35 – Describe the carbon cycle in brief.