Determination of Income and Employment For Class 12 Economics MCQ Questions

Q 1 –  What is the shape of the Keynesian Aggregate Supply before the level of full employment is attained?
(A) Perfectly inelastic
(B) Perfectly elastic
(C) Unitary elastic
(D) More elastic

Ans. (B) Perfectly elastic

Q 2 –  According to classical economists, real wage rate is ______ to the Marginal Productivity of Labour.
(A) Equal
(B) More
(C) Less
(D) None of these

Ans. (A) Equal

Q 3 –  What is the cause of Keynesian perfectly elastic Aggregate Supply curve?
(A) Wage price rigidity
(B) Constant Marginal Product of Labour
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these

Ans. (C) Both of these

Q 4 –  According to classical economists, there always exists ______ equilibrium in the economy.
(A) Full employment
(B) Underemployment
(C) Over full employment
(D) None of these

Ans. (A) Full employment

Q 5 –  What will be APC when APS = 0?
(A) One
(B) Zero
(C) Two
(D) Infinite

Ans. (A) One

Q 6 –  If the income is ₹ 400 crores and consumption is ₹ 250 crores, what will be the APC?6
(A) 0.67
(B) 0.63
(C) 0.60
(D) 0.58

Ans. (B) 0.63

Q 7 –  What is a fiscal measure of correcting deficient demand?
(A) Increase in public expenditure and decrease in taxes
(B) Decrease in public debt
(C) Deficit financing
(D) All of these

Ans. (D) All of these

Q 8 –  Which is the measure of correcting excess demand?
(A) Deficit financing
(B) Reduction in taxes
(C) Increase in public expenditure
(D) Increase in public debt

Ans. (D) Increase in public debt

Q 9 –  Suppose in a hypothetical economy, the income rises from ₹ 5,000 crores to ₹ 6,000 crores. As a result, the consumption expenditure rises from ₹ 4,000 crores to ₹ 4,600 crores. Marginal propensity to consume in such a case would be ______
(A) 0.8
(B) 0.4
(C) 0.2
(D) 0.6

Ans. (D) 0.6

Q 10 –  On the basis of government law, the compulsory payment made by the public is known as _________
(A) Expenditure
(B) Investment
(C) Tax
(D) Subsidy

Ans. (C) Tax

Q 11 –  Which among is the direct tax?
(A) Income tax
(B) Gift and Corporation tax
(C) Wealth tax
(D) All of these

Ans. (D) All of these

Q 12 –  If MPC = 1, the value of the multiplier is:
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) Between 0 and 1
(D) Infinity

Ans. (D) Infinity

Q 13 –  Aggregate demand can be increased by:
(A) increasing bank rate
(B) selling govt, securities by RBI
(C) increasing cash reserve ratio
(D) none of these

Ans. (D) None of these

Q 14 –  If the marginal propensity to consume is greater than the marginal propensity to save, the value of the multiplier will be
(A) greater than 2
(B) less than 2
(C) equal to 2
(D) equal to 5

Ans. (A) greater than 2

Q 15 –  Supply creates its own Demand. Who gave this law?
(a) J.B.Say
(b) J.S.Mill
(c) Keynes
(d) Ricardo

Ans.  (a) J.B.Say

Q 16 –  Who is the author of the book ‘General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money’?
(a) A.C. Pigou
(b) Malthus
(c) J.M. Keynes
(d) Marshall

Ans. (c) J.M. Keynes

Q 17 –  Which of the following is true for the Classical Theory of Employment?
(a) State of full employment in the economy
(b) No possibility of over-or under-production in the economy
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Ans. (c) Both (a) and (b)

Q 18 –  On which factor Keynesian Theory of Employment depends?
(a) Effective Demand
(b) Supply
(c) Production Efficiency
(d) None of the above

Ans. (a) Effective Demand

Q 19 –  Which is the determining factor for investment?
(a) Marginal Efficiency of Capital
(b) Interest Rate
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these

Ans.  (c) Both (a) and (b)

Q 20 –  According to Keynes, investment implies:
(a) Financial Investment
(b) Real Investment
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Ans. (b) Real Investment

Q 21 –  With the increase in investment, MEC:
(a) Rises
(b) Falls
(c) Remains Constant
(d) None of these

Ans. (b) Falls

Q 22 –  Which of the following is a Read Investment?
(a) Purchasing of a Share
(b) Purchasing of Old Factory
(c) Construction of Buildings
(d) Opening Deposit Account in the Bank

Ans. (c) Construction of Buildings

Q 23 –  Which or is true?
(a) MPC + MPS = 0Chapter 4 Determination of Income and Employment
(b) MPC + MPS < 1
(c) MPC + MPS = 1
(d) MPC + MPS > 1

Ans.  (c) MPC + MPS = 1

Q 24 –  The main component of aggregate demand is:
(a) Individual consumption
(b) Public consumption
(c) Investment
(d) All the above

Ans. (d) All the above

Q 25 –  Who is the writer of the book, “Trained Economic Politique”?
(a) Pigour
(b) J.B. Say
(c) Keynes
(d) Ricardo

Ans. (a) Pigour

Q 26 –  IF MPC = 0.5, then Multiplier (k) will be:
(a) 1/4
(b) = 0
(c) 1
(d) 2

Ans. (d) 2

Q 27 –  On which concept does classical viewpoint depend?
(a) Say’s Law of Market
(b) perfect Flexibility of Wage Rate
(c) Perfect Flexibility of Interest Rate
(d) All of these

Ans.  (d) All of these

Q 28 –  “Wage cut maintains full employment in the economy.” Who put forward this view?
(a) Pigou
(b) Keynes
(c) Marshall
(d) None of the above

Ans. (a) Pigou

Q 29 –  Which one of the following is the determining factor of Equilibrium Income is the Keynesian Viewpoint?
(a) Aggregate Demand
(b) Aggregate Supply
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

Ans. (c) Both (a) and (b)

Q 30 –  In Keynesian viewpoint, the equilibrium level of income and employment in the economy will be established where:
(a) AD > AS
(b) AS > AD
(c) AD = AS
(d) None of theseAns. (c) AD = AS