Climate for Class 9 Geography Important Question

Q 1 – Which one of the following places receives the highest rainfall in the world? 

(a) Silchar 

(b) Mawsynram

(c) Cherrapunji        

 (d) Guwahati

(b) Mawsynram

Q 2 – The wind blowing in the northern plains in summers in known as: 
(a) Kaal Baisakhi       

(b) Loo

(c) Trade winds

(d) None of the above

(b) Loo

Q 3 – Which one of the following causes rainfall during winters in north-western part of India?

(a) Cyclonic depression                                 

(b) Retreating monsoon

 (c) Western disturbances                             

(d) Southwest monsoon

 (c) Western disturbances    

Q 4 – Monsoon arrives in India approximately in:
(a) Early May                  

 (b) Early July

(c) Early June

 (d) Early August

(c) Early June

Q 5 – Which one of the following characteristics the cold weather season in India?

(a) Warm days and warm nights

(b) Warm days and cold nights

(c) Cool days and cold nights

(d) Cold days and warm nights.

(b) Warm days and cold nights

Q 6 – Fill in the blanks:                                                                                  

a) ________________ is an apparent force caused by the earth’s rotation.

b) During winter, there is a ______________ area develop over north of the

c) Jet streams are located approximately over _____________ north latitude.
d) An easterly jet stream blows over peninsular India, approximately over _____________________.
e) ___________________ are a narrow belt of high altitude westerly winds in the

f) ___________________ is shallow cyclonic depressions originating over the
Mediterranean sea.
g) __________________ act as a perfect climatic divide as it prevents the cold
winds coming from Central Asia.
h) India lies in the region of _________________winds.
i) As the distance from the sea increases, its ______________ influence decreases.
j) Air temperature generally _____________________ from equator towards poles.
k) The monsoon is experienced in the tropical area roughly between
_____________ latitude.
l) ITCZ normally positioned about ___________ of the equator.
m) Periodic change in pressure condition over Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean
n) Withdrawal of the monsoon begins in northwestern states of India by__________

o) By ___________________ monsoon withdraws completely from the
northern half of the peninsula.
p) During winter season the ______________ winds prevail over northern India.
q) The Global heat belt shifts northward due to the __________________.
r) Winter rainfall is called ____________ which is good for _____________ crop.
s) The duration of the monsoon is between ___________ and ___________ days.
t) During winter season _____________ pressure develop over northern India.
u) The monsoon trough and its _________ determine the spatial distribution of
rainfall in India.
v) The western cyclonic disturbances affect our country during ______________
season whereas ___________ cyclones affect eastern coastal region during
________ season.
w) El Nino phenomenon takes place every _____ years.
x) Southern Oscillation is measured at _________________ and _____________
places of the world.

(a) Coriolis Force

(b) high-pressure

(c) 27 º – 30º north

(d) 14°N

(e) Jetstreams

(f) western cyclonic disturbances

(g) The Himalayas

(h)  north easterly winds.

(i) moderating influence 

(j) decreases

(k) 20° N and 20° S

(l) 5 and 15 degrees north 

(m) El Nino Southern Oscillation

(n) September

(o) mid-October

(P) north-east trade winds

(q) apparent northward movement of the sun

(r) winter monsoon & rabi

(s) 100 & – 120

(t) high pressure


Q 7 – What do you mean by El Nino?

El Niño means Little Boy, or Christ Child in Spanish. South American fishermen first noticed periods of unusually warm water in the Pacific Ocean in the 1600s. The full name they used was El Niño de Navidad, because El Niño typically peaks around December. El Niño can affect our weather significantly.

Q 8 – What are jet stream?

Jet streams are relatively narrow bands of strong wind in the upper levels of the atmosphere. The winds blow from west to east in jet streams but the flow often shifts to the north and south. Jet streams follow the boundaries between hot and cold air.

Q 9 – Distinguish between climate and weather.

Weather refers to short term atmospheric conditions while climate is the weather of a specific region averaged over a long period of time.

Q 10 – Why is there decrease in rainfall from east to west in the Northern Plains?

Rainfall decreases from the east to the west in Northern India because there is a decrease in the moisture content of the winds.

Q 11 – Why does the amount of solar radiation vary with latitude?

The higher the latitude the less is the angle they make with the surface of the earth resulting in slant sun rays.

Q 12 – How does the relief of an area affect the climate of a place?

The relief of a place affects the climate of a place when the high mountains act as barriers for cold and hot winds, e.g. the Himalayas. They also affect the amount of rainfall if they are very high. They force the wind to give heavy rain on the windward side and less rain on the leeward side.

Q 13 – What is October Heat?

The retreat of the monsoon is marked by clear skies and a rise in temperature. While day temperatures are high, nights are cool and pleasant. The land is still moist. Owing to the conditions of high temperature and humidity, the weather becomes rather oppressive during the day. This is commonly known as ‘October heat’.

Q 14 – Why do the houses in Rajasthan have thick walls and flat roofs?    

The houses have flat roofs to harvest and conserve water. Flat roofs are seen in Rajasthan as well. But there, it is done to reduce the temperature as the region faces high temperatures.

Q 15 – Name the three basic elements that one learns about while studying the natural environment of any area.

Landforms and drainage are two of the three basic elements that make the natural environment of any area. Climate is the third basic element of the natural environment.

Q 16 – What is the form of precipitation in the upper parts of the Himalayas, Meghalaya and western Rajasthan?

While precipitation is mostly in the form of snowfall in the upper parts of Himalayas, it rains over the rest of the country. The annual precipitation varies from over 400 cm in Meghalaya to less than 10 cm in Ladakh and western Rajasthan.

Q 17 – What do you understand by the ‘Retreating of the Monsoon’? When does it occur?

During the months of October-November, the south-west monsoon winds become weaker and start to retreat from the skies of North India. This phase of the monsoon is known as the retreating monsoon.

Q 18 – Why hills are cooler during summer season?

We know that the atmosphere becomes less dense at high altitudes this is because at high altitudes. gravity is weaker. Hence, the pull of gravity also decreases along with the temperature at high altitudes compared to the centre of the earth. Therefore, the hills are cooler during summers.

Q 19 – What are the variations in precipitation in India?

Precipitation is mostly in the form of snowfall in the upper parts of the Himalayas but it rains over the rest of the country. The annual precipitation varies from 400 cm in Meghalaya to less than 10 cm in Ladakh and western Rajasthan.