Here, we go for the most important part for any competitive exam and for the CBSE boards too. we, at have come up with the latest and updated 2021- CBSE Class-10 Civics-Extra Questions and Answers for the benefit of the students. we hope that the students will definitely be happy and find the Question and Answers interesting while preparing for the exams…….
Overview of NCERT Class 10 Political Science Solutions Chapters
Here we are providing a summary of each Chapter.
Chapter 1: Power Sharing
First Chapter starts with the Case Studies from Belgium and Sri Lanka. Both these stories are about how democracies handle demands for power-sharing. The stories end with a general conclusion about the need for power-sharing in democracy. Further, the chapter ends by describing the different forms of power-sharing.
Chapter 2: Federalism
Chapter begins by describing federalism in general terms. The rest of the chapter tries to understand the theory and practice of federalism in India. Towards the end of the chapter, students learn about the local government, a new and third tier of Indian federalism.
Chapter 3: Democracy and Diversity
Chapter 3 starts with an example of a public expression of social divisions. Then it explains how social differences can take various forms. Further, it describes how democratic politics affects and get affected by these social diversities.
Chapter 4: Gender, Religion and Caste
Social differences based on gender, religion and caste can take the form of social divisions and inequalities. In this chapter, students will understand the nature of this division and how it gets expressed in politics in India. In the end, students will get to know whether different expressions based on these differences are healthy or unhealthy in a democracy.
Chapter 5: Popular Struggles and Movements
Fifth chapter starts with a discussion of how struggles around conflicting demands and pressures shape democracy. This helps students lead to an analysis on how an ordinary citizen can play a role in democracy. Further, the chapter discusses the indirect ways of influencing politics, through pressure groups and movements.
Chapter 6: Political Parties
This chapter will provide the answers to the questions related to Political Parties, such as why we do need political parties and how many parties we should have? The chapter describes the major national and state parties in India. Further, it explains the challenges that political parties face. The chapter ends by describing the efforts and suggestions to reform political parties and its leaders in India.
Chapter 7: Outcomes of Democracy
Chapter 7 begins by stating the ways through which we can assess the outcomes of democracy. Then it describes the expected and actual outcomes of democracy in various respects: quality of government, economic well-being, inequality, social differences, conflicts and finally freedom and dignity.
Chapter 8: Challenges to Democracy
The chapter addresses the fundamental questions of democratic politics such as
- What are the challenges that democracy faces in our country and elsewhere?
- What can be done to reform democratic politics?
- How can our democracy become more democratic in its practice and outcomes?
This chapter explains some suggestions about how we can approach the questions of challenges and reforms. Students are advised to refer to these Class 10 Political Science Solutions while studying, as it would help them in providing additional guidance. Also, it will support them with their board exam preparation.

CBSE Class-10 Civics-Extra Questions-Chapterwise in detail
Democracy and Diversity: Chapter 3
Gender, Religion, and Caste: Chapter 4
Popular Struggles and Movements: Chapter 5
Outcomes of Democracy: Chapter 7
Challenges to Democracy: Chapter 8
Click here to Download PDF Notes:- Power Sharing: Chapter-1