Class 8 Science Sound, Metals and Non metal, Reacting the Age of Adolescence MCQ Test Paper

Q 1 – The voice box is also called as
(a) stomach
(b) heart
(c) larynx
(d) mouth

Q 2 – Loudness of sound is determined by
(a) pitch
(b) frequency
(c) amplitude
(d) time period

Q 3 – Human can hear sound in the range of
(a) 200-2000 Hz
(b) 20-20,000 Hz
(c)  2-20000 Hz
(d) 2000-200000 Hz

Q 4 – Frequency is expressed in
(a) Kilometer
(b) Hertz
(c) gram
(d) Degree centigrade

Q 5 – The number of vibrations made by a vibrating body in one second is
(a) frequency
(b) noise
(c) loudness
(d) pitch

Q 6 – Noise pollution causes:
(a) lack of sleep
(b) hypertension
(c) anxiety
(d) all of these

Q 7 – Propagation of sound is fastest In:
(a) gases
(b) liquids
(c) solids
(d) vacuum

Q 8 – In sitar sound Is produced by:
(a) beating
(b) rubbing
(c) blowing
(d) plucking

 Q 9 – Voice box has stretched string like parts, which vibrate to produce sound are called:
(a) larynx
(b) vocal cords
(c) nerves
(d) arteries

Q 10 – The amplitude of the sound wave decides its:
(a) loudness
(b) pitch
(c) speed
(d) none of these

Q 11 – Sound is a kind of
(a) work
(b) energy
(c) force
(d) pressure

Q 12 – The sound in the audible range is called
(a) ultrasonic sound
(b) sonic sound
(c) subonic sound
(d) light sound

Q 13 – Above _____ dB the sound becomes physically painful
(a) 60
(b) 40
(c) 120
(d) 80

Q 14 – A shehnai produces sound from:
(a) vibrating strings
(b) vibrating membrane
(c) vibrating air column
(d) none of these

Q 15 – The unit of frequency is:
(a) hertz
(b) hertz /sec
(c) hertz / min
(d) hertz / hour

Q 16 – Larynx is also called        
(a) Voice box
(b) Sound box
(c) Black box
(d) All of the above

Q 17 – Sound:
(a) Sound requires a medium to travel
(b) does not require a medium to travel
(c) sometimes require a medium to travel
(d) none of these

Q 18 – Large amplitude of sound vibrations will produce:
(a) loud sound
(b) slow sound
(c) meak sound
(d) shreak

Q 19 – 1 hertz is equal to
(a) 1 vibration per minute
(b) 10 vibrations per minute
(c) 60 vibrations per minute
(d) 600 vibrations per minute

Q 20 – Which of the following is a liquid at room temperature?
(a) Iron
(b) Bromine
(c) Iodine
(d) Phosphorus

Q 21 – Name the gas evolved when magnesium reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid          
(a) Chlorine
(b) Oxygen
(c) hydrogen
(d) Nitrogen

Q 22 – To which category do antimony and arsenic belong?
(a) Metals
(b) Metalloids
(c) Non-metals
(d) Minerals

Q 23 – The metal which is poorest conductor of heat is:
(a) mercury
(b) zinc
(c) lead
(d) copper

Q 24 – The correct statement is:
(a) all metals are ductile
(c) generally, metals are ductile
(b) all non-metals are ductile
(d) some non-metals are ductile

Q 25 – The property of metals by virtue of which metal can be hammered into very thin sheets is called:
(a) ductility
(b) malleability
(c) lustre
(d) sonorous

Q 26 – The metal which reacts violently with cold water is:
(a) zinc
(b) aluminium
(c) sodium
(d) copper

Q 27 – When copper is added to iron sulphate solution:
(a) iron is displaced
(b) S04 is displaced
(c) no reaction takes place
(d) non of these

Q 28 – The metal which cannot be stored in packets is:
(a) sodium
(b) calcium
(c) magnesium
(d) zinc

Q 29 – Boron is
(a) metal
(b) metalloid
(c) non-metal
(d) alkali

Q 30 – The colour of chlorine is:    
(a) yellow
(b) white
(c) green
(d) yellowish green

Q 31 – Sulphur reacts with hot concentrated nitric acid and produces:
(a) Sulphur dioxide
(b) Sulphur trioxide
(c) nitrogen dioxide
(d) Sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen dioxide

Q 32 – The most reactive metal is
(a) copper
(b) silver
(c) potassium
(d) calcium

Q 33 – Materials having qualities of both metals and non-metals are    
(a) alloys
(b) metalloids
(c) noble metals
(d) none of these

Q 34 – The metal having fastest rate of formation of bubbles of hydrogen with dil. HCl is
(a) zinc
(b) copper
(c) magnesium
(d) silver

Q 35 – A liquid metal is:       
(a) bromine
(b) iodine
(c) nitrogen
(d) mercury

Q 36 – Non-metals react with oxygen and form:
(a) natural oxides
(b) acidic oxides
(c) basic oxides
(d) none of these

Q 37 – The metal not corroded by air, water and acid is :
(a) copper
(b) gold
(c) zinc
(d) aluminium

Q 38 – Which of the following is true about metals:
(a) metals generally have low melting point
(b) metal generally have a shiny appearance
(c) metals are poor conductors of heat and electricity
(d) metals are non-malleable and non-ductiles

Q 39 – Which of the following disease is causes by deficiency of iodine:
(a) goitre
(b) diabetes
(c) scurvy
(d) beri-beri

Q 40 – Hormones reaches to different parts:
(a) with lymph
(b) by ducts
(c) with blood
(d) none of these.

Q 41 – The unfertilised egg always has X chromosome.
(a) two
(b) four
(d) one
(d) none of these

Q 42 – Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Boys reach puberty at an earlier age than girls.
(b) Girls reach puberty earlier than boys.
(c) At the end of rapid growth, girls are normally heavier than boys.
(d) Between the age of 4 to 12, girls grow faster than boys.

Q 43 – Incomplete development of male secondary sexual characteristics is caused due to deficiency in?
(a) Estrogen.
(b) Progesterone.
(c) Adrenaline.
(d) Testosterone.

Q 44 – Adolescence begins around the age of
(a) 18 years
(b) 13 years
(c) 25 years
(d) 11 years

Q 45 – Which of the following will occur in females at puberty?
(a) Ovulation
(b) Enlargement of breasts
(c) Broadening of hips
(d) All of these

Q 46 – The first menstrual flow is called
(a) Menstruation
(b) Mensuration
(c) Menarche
(d) Menopause

Q 47 – The period of life, when the body undergoes changes, leading to reproductive maturity, is called
(a) childhood
(b) adolescence
(c) Grown up
(d) Old age

Q 48 – Reproduction age in women starts when their
(a) menstruation starts
(b) breasts start developing
(c) body weight increases
(d) height increases

Q 49 – How many pairs of Chromosomes are found in nuclei of their cells?
(a) 22 pairs
(b) 23 pairs
(c) 24 pairs
(d) 25 pairs

Q 50 – Adolescence is the period of
(a) 5 to 10 years
(b) 11 to 19 years
(c) 22 to 28 years
(d) 30 to 40 years

Q 51 – Which gland secretes insulin:
(a) thyroid gland
(b) pancreas
(c) adrenals
(d) thymus gland

Q 52 – Which of the following balanced diet:
(a) ice-cream and cold drink
(b) meat and egg
(c) roti/rice, dal, vegetables
(d) none of these

Q 53 – All human beings have pairs of chromosomes in the nuclei of their cells.
(a) 22
(b) 2
(c) 23
(d) 46

Q 54 – Which of the following is NOT a secondary sexual characteristic feature of girls?
(a) The enlargement of breasts.
(b) The deepening of voice.
(c) The menstruation begins.
(d) The growth of hair at armpit.

Q 55 – Glands without ducts
(a) Mammary gland
(b) Exocrine gland
(c) Endocrine glands
(d) Pancreatic gland

Q 56 – Menopause occurs at the age of 
(a) 10-12 years in boys
(b) 45-50 years in men
(c) 10-12 years in girls
(d) 45-50 years in women

Q 57 – The beginning of menstruation at puberty is called
(a) ovulation
(b) menstruation
(c) menarche
(d) menopause

Q 58 – When a sperm having X-chromosome fuses with the ovum, the child born will be
(a) male
(b) female
(c) male as well as female twin
(d) it depends on the chance of fusion

Q 59 – In males, the sex chromosome consists           
(a) one X and one Y
(b) both X and X
(c) both Y and Y
(d) one M and one X

Q 60 – When a sperm containing Y chromosome fertilizes an egg with X chromosome, the zygote develops into a _____ child
(a) Female
(b) Either a male or female
(c) Male
(d) No child