Q 2 – In a synapse chemical signal is transmitted from ______. A) from a dendrite of one neuron to the axonal end of other neurons B) axon to thecell body of the same neuron C) cell body to the axonal end of the same neuron D) axonal end of one neuron to the dendrite of another neuron
D) axonal end of one neuron to the dendrite of another neuron
Q 3 – Which of the following is accomplished in a plant by utilizing the energy stored in ATP ? (a) transport of food (b) transport of water and minerals (c) transport of oxygen (d) transport of water, minerals, and food
Q 4 – Cretinism results due to : A) Excess secretion of growth hormone B) under secretion of thyroxin C) excess secretion of adrenaline D) under secretion of growth hormone
Q 14 – Dramatic changes in body features are associated with puberty that are mainly because of the secretion of _____. A) estrogen from testes and testosterone from ovary B) estrogen from adrenal gland and testosterone from pituitary C) estrogen from ovary and testosterone from testes D) estrogen from pituitary and testosterone from thyroid
Q 19 – The nervous system is divided into the ____and the ___ ; the former consists of ____ and the latter consists of _____. A) CNS, PNS, the brain and spinal cord; nerves around the body B) CNS, PNS, the nerves around the body; the ventricles C) ANS, PNS, the nerves around the body; the ventricles D) ANS, CNS, the nerves around the body; the brain and spinal cord
Q 21 – ____ covers most of the axon, it is important because it ___ A) Synovial fluid, facilitates electrical conduction of nerve cells B) mylein, facilitates the release of neurotransmitter C) CSF, increases conduction of impulse D) membrane potential, increases conduction of impulse
Q 26 – What is the role of schwann cells in neuron ? A) Thermal insulation of neural axons B) limit the speed of action potential C) Enhance the speed of impulse D) All
Q 29 – In which of the following vertebrate groups/groups, the heart does not pump oxygenated blood to different parts of the body ? (a) Pisces and amphibians (b) amphibians and reptiles (c) amphibians only (d) Pisces only
Q 34 – Groups of neurons that make hundreds of synaptic connections with each other and work together are ______. A) ganglia B) neuronal pool C) Autonomic system D) somatic system
Q 56 – In human body, which part of the brain controls the feeling of pleasure, sex and anger: (a) cerebrum (b) diencephalon (c) cerebellum (d) medulla oblongata