Extra Questions For Class 10 History Print Culture and Modern world

Q 1. What was a Ukiyo?

Ukiyo means pictures of floating world or depiction of ordinary human experience especially urban ones.

Q 2. Give the ancient name of Tokyo.


Q 3. What was the name of oldest printed book of Japan?

 Diamond sutra

Q 4. Mention any one feature of the oldest Japanese book.

 The oldest Japanese book contained six sheets of texts and woodcut.

Q 5. Which city of China became the new huh of print-culture?


Q 6. Which city of Europe had the breakthrough of first printing press?

At Strasbourg, Germany

Q 7. Who developed the first printing press in 1430s?

 Johann Gutenberg

Q 8. By whom was the art of woodblock printing introduced in Europe?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Q 9. Despite the woodblock printing, what factor raised the demand of new technology in print?

There was a great need for quicker and cheaper reproduction of texts therefore; a new faster print technology was needed.

Q 10.”Printing is the ultimate gift of God and the greatest one.” Who said these words?

Martin Luther said these words.

Q 11. Name the Italian who reinterpreted the message of Bible?

Menocchio reinterpreted the message of Bible.

Q 12. What were Chapbooks?

A term used to describe pocket size books that are sold by travelling peddlers called chapmen.

Q 13. How did Louise Sebastian Mercier interpret the printing press?

He declared that “The printing Press is the most powerful engine of progress and public opinion is the force that will sweep despotism away.

Q 14. How Biliotheque Blue was different from Chapbooks?

In England, penny chapbooks were published and sold for a penny while in France, low priced small books were printed on poor quality papers and bound in cheap blue cover and were called ‘Biliotheque Blue’.

Q 15. Mention any one characteristic feature of an offset press.

The offset press could print up to six colors at a time.

Q 16. Which brothers of Germany contributed in compiling the text for children?

Grimm Brothers

Q 17. Name two best known women novelists of Europe who re-defined the picture of women in society.

Jane Austen and Bronte sisters, George Eliot.

Q 18. Mention the technique of preserving the manuscript in India.

To preserve the manuscripts in India, they were pressed between wooden covers or sewn together.

Q 19. When did the first printing press come to India?

The printing press came to India in the mid-sixteenth century.

Q 20. Name the first weekly that appeared in India.

Bengal Gazettes

Q 21. Name the first edition of the Indian religious text published in vernacular languages

Catholic priests printed the first Tamil book on Indian religion in 1579.

Q 22. Who was the publisher of Sambaed Kumauni in 1821?

The publisher of Sam had Kumauni was Ramous Roy.

Q 23. Who wrote Gulamgiri, which criticized the injustice of caste system?

 Jyotiba Phyla wrote Gulamgiri which criticized the injustice of caste system.

Q 24. Name the autobiography of Rashsundari Devi.

The name of the autobiography of Rashsundari Devi was ‘Amax. Jiban’.

Q 25. Name the book by Kashibaba that had detailed the experiences of poor workers in India.

Kashibaba wrote and published ‘Chute Aura Bade Ka Sewall’ in 1938 on the poor workers of factories.

Q 26. How did Governor General William Bentinck react to the petition filed by editors of English and vernacular newspapers?

Governor-general Bentinck agreed to revise press laws in 1835.

Q 27. Name the newspaper started by Bal Gangadhar Tikal in India in 19th century.


Q 28. What was Vernacular Press Act?

The Vernacular Press Act was passed in 1878 under the Governor Generalship and Viceroyalty of Lord Lytton, for the better control of Indian language newspapers.

Q 29. Why do you think that the chapter ‘Print Culture’ is important to study?

Print culture is important to study because it is a true medium of mass communication like newspapers, journals and books etc. It also helps in creation of new ideas, thoughts, etc via books and magazines, etc.

Q 30. “The imperial state in China was the major producer of printed material.” Support this statement with examples.

(1) Textbooks for the civil service examination were printed in vast numbers the sponsorship of the imperial state.
(2) Merchants used print in their everyday life as they collected trade information.
(3) The new readership preferred fictional narratives, poetry, romantic plays.
(4) Rich women began to read and many women began publishing their poetry and plays.
(5) Wives of scholar-officials published their works and courtesans wrote about their lives.

Q 31. How had the earliest printing technology developed in the world? Explain.

 (1) The earliest kind of print technology was developed in China, Japan, and Korea.
(2) Up to 6th century, the print was used only by scholar-officials.
(3) Then the Buddhist missionaries introduced hand printing technology.
(4) Marco Polo brought woodblock printing from China to Italy.
(5) The invention of the printing press proved great miracle in spreading knowledge.

Q 32. Highlight any three contributions of Johann Gutenberg towards the printing press.

(1) Johann Gutenberg developed the first known printing press in the 1430$ at Strasbourg, Germany.
(2) Gutenberg learnt the art of polishing stones, became a master goldsmith, and also acquired the expertise to create lead moulds used for making trinkets.
(3) Gutenberg developed metal types for each of the 26 characters of the Roman alphabet and devised a way of moving them around so as to compose different words of the text.
(4) The first book he printed was the Bible. About 180 copies were printer’ and it took three years to produce them. By the standards of the time this was fast production. Gutenberg s Bible was the first printed book in Europe.

Q 33. Describe any three difficulties in copying manuscripts.

The main three difficulties in copying manuscripts were as follows:
(1) The copying of manuscript was an expensive, laborious and time consuming business.
(2) There was one more problem. The manuscripts were fragile, awkward to handle. They could not be easily carried around or read easily.
(3) When scribes copied manuscripts, they also introduced small changes in word here and there. Repeatedly these changes made the text substantially different from the original.

Q 34. What is vellum? What was its use in Europe?

Vellum refers to a parchment made from calf skin. This animal based vellum in its time, was the most valued kind of writing surface available.
(2) In Europe, luxury editions were handwritten on very expensive vellum meant for aristocratic circles and rich monastic libraries which scoffed at printed books as cheap vulgarities.
(3) It was prepared for writing or printing to produce single pages scrolls or books

Q 35. What was Protestant Reformation?

 (1) In 1517, religious reformer Martin Luther wrote `Ninety-Five Theses’ criticizing any practices and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church. A printed copy of this was pasted t a Church door in Witten erg. It challenged the church to debate his ideas.
(2) Luther’s writings were immediately reproduced in vast numbers and read widely.
(3) This led to a division within the Church and this was the beginning of the Protestant deformation’.

Q 36. Who was Menocchio? Mention any two contributions of him in the field of print culture in the sixteenth century.

(1) Menocchio was a miller in Italy.
(2) He reinterpreted the message of Bible.
(3) He formulated a view of God and Creation that enraged the Roman Catholic Church.
(4) Menocchio was hauled two times and ultimately executed.

Q 37. ”With the printing press, a new public emerged in Europe”. Justify the statement 

 (1) Access to books created a new culture of reading.
(2) Earlier, reading was restricted to the elites while common people relied only on oral culture i.e., knowledge was transferred orally but now books were available easily.
(3) It transformed the lives of people changing their relationship to information and knowledge and with institutions and authorities. It influenced popular perception and opened up new ways of looking at things.

Q 38. What was the “Reading Mania”? What was its impact on children, women and workers?

ns. (1) Unprecedented growth in literacy and so many schools and production of books spread reading mania.
(2) Children’s press was set up in France in 1857.
(3) New works and old fairy tales and folk tales were published. Women became important readers as well as writers.
(4) Penny magazines were especially written on behavior and house-keeping.
(5) Lending libraries emerged for workers. Working classes started writing for themselves.

Q 39. What is manuscript? Mention any two limitations of it, during nineteenth century.

 (1) Manuscripts are handwritten copies.
(2) Manuscripts were highly expensive and fragile.
(3) They had to be handled carefully and they could not be read easily as the scripts were written in different styles.

Q 40. Explain any three features of hand written manuscripts in India before the age of print.

(1) (i) Manuscripts were written in Sanskrit, Arabic, and Persian as well as in various vernacular languages.
(ii) Manuscripts were copied on palm leaves or on handmade paper.
(iii) Pages were sometimes, beautifully illustrated. They would be either pressed between wooden covers or sewn together to ensure preservation.

Difficulties in using manuscripts:
(i) Manuscripts was highly expensive and fragile.

(ii) They had to be handled carefully and they could not be read easily as the script was written in different styles.

Q 41. Why did James Augustus Hickey claim that the Bengal Gazette was “a commercial paper open to all, but influenced by none”? Explain.

(1) Bengal Gazette was a private English weekly magazine in India, independent from colonial influence.
(2) Hickey not only published a lot of advertisements including the import and sale of slaves but also published lots of gossip about the company’s senior officials in India.
(3) His activities led to his execution by the Governor General, Warren Hastings.

Q 42. Trace the history of print revolution in India.

History of print revolution in India:

(1) The printing press first came to Goa with the Portuguese missionaries in the mid-16th century.
(2)Books were printed in Konkani and Kannada languages.
(3)Catholic priests printed the first Tamil book in 1579 at Cochin.
(4) By 1710, Dutch Protestant missionaries had printed 32 Tamil texts; many of them were translations of older works.
(5) By 1780, James Augustus Hickey began to edit the Bengal Gazette, a weekly.
(6) By the close of the 18th century, a number of newspapers were published by Indians.

Q 43. Give a brief account of manuscripts of India.

1) Manuscript refers to a very old book or document that was written by hand.
(2) India had a very rich and old tradition of handwritten manuscripts in Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, as
well as in various vernacular languages. Manuscripts were copied on palm leaves or on handmade paper.

(3) Pages were sometimes beautifully illustrated.
(4) These hand written documents provide information on the existence of different civilizations and emphasize on the importance of their survival. They continued to be produced till well after the introduction of print, down to the late 19th century.
(5) Manuscripts, however, were highly expensive and fragile. They had to be handled carefully and they could not be read easily as the script was written in different styles. So, manuscripts were not widely used in everyday life.

Q 44. Name any three women writers in India with their books.

Ans. (1) Rashsundari Devi: She wrote her autobiography ‘Amor Jiban’ which were published in 1876. It was the first full length autobiography published in the Bengali language.
(2) Hannah Mullins: She was the author of Warne 0 Pulmonary Bibran% She wrote this novel in 1852. She tells her readers that she wrote in secret.
(3) Rekey Hussein: She wrote a satiric fantasy in English called ‘Sultana’s Dream 1905 which shows a topsy-turvy world in which women take the place of men. ISOIS’

Q 45. Write the main purpose of Print used in China in 16th century.

In the 16th century, China was the major producer of printing material. The main purpose of print was as follows:
(1) Textbooks for the civil service examination were printed in vast numbers under the sponsorship of the imperial state.
(2) Merchants used to print in their everyday life as they collected trade information.
(3) Rich women began to read and many women began publishing their poetry and plays.
(4) Wives of scholar-officials published their works and courtesan wrote about their lives.
(5) The new readership preferred fictional narratives, poetry and romantic plays.

Q 46. Write a short note on ukiyo.

(1) Iloilo’ is an art form used for depicting ordinary human experience especially urban ones.
(2) These prints travelled to contemporary US and Europe. It influenced artists like Mamet, Monet and Van Gogh.
(3) Publishers like Tutee Juzaburo identified subjects and commissioned artists who drew the theme in outline. Then, a skilled woodblock carver pasted the drawing on a woodblock and carved a printing block to reproduce the painter’s lines.
(4) In the process, the original drawing would be destroyed and only prints would survive.
(5) Kitagawa Tamara born in 1753 was widely known for his contributions to this art.

Q 47. Explain the five effects of print revolution.

The main impacts of print revolution are as under:

(1) Printing reduced the cost of books. The time and labor required to produce each book came down, and multiple copies could be produced with greater ease.
(2) Print created the possibility of wide circulation of ideas, and introduced a new world of debate and discussion.
(3) Print brought about a new intellectual atmosphere and helped spread the new ideas that led to the reformation.
(4) Print and popular religious literature stimulated many distinctive individual interpretations of faith even among little educated working people.
(5) Print culture created the conditions within which French Revolution occurred. The writings of the enlightened thinkers provided a critical commentary on tradition, superstition and despotism.

Q 48. What were the chief characteristics of the earliest print culture in Japan? Explain any five.

(1) Buddhist monasteries from China introduced hand printing technology into Japan.

(2) The oldest Japanese book printed in AD 868 is the Buddhist Diamond Sutra.
(3) In medieval Japan, poets and prose writers were regularly published and books were cheap and abundant.
(4) Printing of visual materials led to increasing publishing practices. In the late 18th century, in the flourishing urban circles city at Edo (‘Inky), illustrated collections of paintings depicted urban culture involving artists, courtesans and tea-house gathering.

(5) Books on women, musical instruments, tea ceremony, flower arrangements, proper etiquettes were published.

Q 49. Describe any five factors that helped in the rise of print culture in Europe.

Print culture in Europe was spreading very fast.

(1) Hand written manuscript could not satisfy the ever increasing demand for books.
(2) Copying was an expensive, laborious and time consuming business.
(3) The circulation of manuscript was limited because they were fragile.
(4) By the early fifteenth century woodblocks were used for printing but even this could not cater to the ever increasing demand for print materials.
(5) These factors show that there was clearly a great need for even quicker and cheaper reproduction of books. These helped the print culture to expand.

Q 50. Which was the first book printed by Gutenberg? Explain any four unique features of it.

(1) The first book printed by Gutenberg was the Bible.
(2) Main features of the printed Bible are as follows:

(i) It closely resembled the written manuscripts in appearance and layout.
(ii) The types of metal letters imitated the ornamental handwritten style.
(iii) Borders of the Bible were illuminated by hand with foliage and other patterns.
(iv) Printing of books for elites and the commons was different.

Q 51. How did the knowledge of wood-block printing come to Europe? Explain.

(1) In the eleventh century, Chinese paper reached Europe from China through silk route.

Paper made possible the production of manuscripts carefully written by scribes.
(2) In 1295, Marco Polo, a great explorer, returned to Italy after many years of exploration in China.
(3) The Italians began producing book with woodblocks.
(4) Soon the technology spread to the other parts of Europe.
(5) Religious preachers like Buddhist Monks were also helpful in spreading this knowledge from China to Europe.

Q 52. Why were many people fearful to the newly printed books entering into the market? Explain the reasons.

(1) Everybody did not welcome the printed books but those who did also had fears out it.

(2) Many were apprehensive of the effects that the easier access to the printed word and idler circulation of books could have on people’s minds.

(3) They feared that if there was no control over what was printed and read then rebellious id irreligious thoughts might spread.

(4) If that happened the authority of `valuable’ literature would be destroyed.

(5) Expressed by religious authorities and monarchs; as well as many writers and artists, its anxiety was the basis of widespread criticism of the new printed literature that had begun ‘circulate.

Q 53. Highlight any three circumstances that led to the intermingling of the hearing culture and the reading culture.

(1) Printers began publishing popular ballads and folk tales with pictures.
(2) These books were sung and recited at gatherings in villages and in taverns in towns.
(3) Thus oral culture entered print and printed material was orally transmitted.
(4) The line that separated the oral and reading cultures became blurred.
(5) Now the hearing public and reading public became inter-mingled.

Q 54. Why did the Roman Church begin to maintain an Index of Prohibited books from 1558?

(1) Menocchio, a miller in Italy reinterpreted the message of Bible and formulated a view of God and Creation and enraged the Roman Catholic Church.
(2) When the Roman Church began its inquisition to repress heretical ideas, Menocchio was hauled up twice and ultimately executed.
(3) The Roman Church troubled by such effects of popular readings and questioning of faith, imposed severe controls over publishers and booksellers and began to maintain an Index of Prohibited Books from 1558.

Q 55. What techniques were adopted by booksellers to increase the sale of books during seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Europe?

At first, printing press itself acted as revolutionary invention in the field of circulation of ideas and making public opinion. After the increase in the literacy rate, the demand for books also increased automatically. But, some efforts were also made by publishers to promote the sale of books.
(1) Publishers kept in mind the wider reach of printed work.
(2) They published popular ballads.
(3) They published folk-tales.
(4) Booksellers employed peddlers who roamed around villages carrying little books for sale.
(5) Low-priced small books like ‘Chapbooks’ and ‘Biliotheque Blue’ were printed by publishers.

Q 56.”As primary education became compulsory from the late nineteenth century, children became an important category of readers.” Explain the statement with suitable example.

(1) As primary education became compulsory from the late nineteenth century, children became an important category of readers.
(2) A children’s press devoted to literature for children alone was set up in France 1857. This press published new works as well as old fairy tales and folk-tales.
(3) The Grimm Brothers in Germany compiled traditional folk-tales which were published a collection in. 1812.
(4) Anything that was considered unsuitable for children or would appear vulgar to the elites, was not included in the published vision.
(5) The best women novelists were Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, George Eliot. Their writings became important in defining a new type of woman: a person with will, strength of personality, determination and the power to think.

Q 57.”Printing technology gave women a chance to share their feelings with the world outside.” Support the statement with any five suitable examples.

Ans. (1) Women became important as readers as well as writers.

(2) Penny magazines were especially meant for women as were manuals teaching proper behavior and house-keeping.

(3) When novels began to be written in the nineteenth century, women were seen as important readers.

(4) Some of the best-known novelists were women: Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, George Eliot.

(5)Their writings became important in defining a new type of woman: a person with will, strength of personality, determination and the power to think.

Q 58. How did print culture affect women in 19th century Europe? Explain.

(1) Women became important as readers as well as writers.
(2) Penny magazines were especially meant for women as were manuals teaching proper behavior and house-keeping.
(3) When novels were written, they defined a new type of woman, as a person with will strength of personality, determination and the power to think.
(4) The novels depicted women as assertive and aware of their rights.
(5) Many of the women writers wrote about the lives that women were leading. This made them aware of what was happening outside.

Q 59. Give a brief account of manuscripts of India.

(1) Manuscript refers to a very old book or document that was written by hand.
(2) India had a very rich and old tradition of handwritten manuscripts in Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, as well as in various vernacular languages. Manuscripts were copied on palm leaves or on handmade paper.
(3) Pages were sometimes beautifully illustrated.
(4) These hand written documents provide information on the existence of different civilizations and emphasize on the importance of their survival. They continued to be produced till well after the introduction of print, down to the late 19th century.
(5) Manuscripts, however, were highly expensive and fragile. They had to be handled carefully and they could not be read easily as the script was written in different styles. So, manuscripts were not widely used in everyday life.

Q 60. Explain the impact of print culture on the religious reforms in India during nineteenth century.

The impact of print culture on the religious reforms in India during 19th century was as follows:
(1) Print led to intense controversies between social and religious reformers and Hindu orthodoxy over matters likes widow immolation, monotheism, brahmanical system, priesthood and idolatry.
(2) With the coming of print, Lamas feared that colonial rulers would encourage conversion. To counter this they used cheap lithography presses. They published Persian and Urdu translation of Holy Scriptures and printed religious newspapers and tracts.
(3) Ramona Roy published the `Sambaed Kumauni’ from 1821 and Hindu orthodoxy commissioned the `Sam char Chandrika’ to oppose his opinions.
(4) In Bengal, as the debate developed, tracts and newspapers proliferated circulating a variety of arguments.
(5) A number of Muslim sects and seminaries appeared each with a different interpretation of faith, each keen on enlarging its following and countering the influence of its opponents.

Q 61. How did religious communities in India make use of printing technology tell their ideas? Explain.

 Religious communities in India used print to spread their religions.

Q 61. How did religious communities in India make use of printing technology tell their ideas? Explain.

 Religious communities in India used print to spread their religions.

(1) In Bengal, `Sam char Chandrika’ was published by Hindu orthodoxy.
(2) In North India, the Lamas, fearing the loss of Muslim culture, used lithographic press to publish Persian and Urdu translation of Holy Scriptures.
(3) Hindus published religious texts like Ramcharitmanas in vernacular language from Calcutta.
(4) Naval Inshore Press and Sheri Venkateshwar Press also started printing religious books.
(5) Persian and Gujarati papers were printed for the common people.

Q 62. “Print did not only stimulate the publication of conflicting opinions among communities, but it also connected communities and people in different parts of India.” Support the statement with examples.

Print medium gave a new platform for expressing and getting end info tin. Print media was also cheap and easy way to commune communities in these ways:
(1) Newspapers conveyed news from one place to the other creating pan-Indian identities.
(2) Newspapers also reported the problems of different parts of India by which people of India thought that their enemy is the same.
(3) Religious texts reached a wide circle of people encouraging debates, discussions, within and among different religions.
(4) Printed tracts and newspapers not only spread the new ideas, but they shaped the nature of the debate too.
(5) A wider public could now participate in these public discussions and express their views.

Q 63. Analyze the impact of print culture on industrial workers in India during 19th and 20th centuries.

 (1) During 19th and 20th centuries industrial workers in factories were too over worked and lacked the education to write much about their experiences.

(2) But Kashibaba, a mill worker wrote and published ‘Choate Aura Bade ka Sewall in 1938 to show the links between caste and class exploitation published his collection of poems called ‘Sacchi.

(3) Another Kanpur worker wrote and Kavitayen’ under the name of ‘Sudarshan Chakra’ between 1935 and 1955. By 1930s Bangalore cotton mill workers set up libraries to educate themselves following the example of Bombay workers them to bring literacy and sometimes, to propagate the message of nationalism.

These were sponsored by social reformers who tried to restrict excessive drinker of nineteenth century.

Q 64. Describe the issue of caste as taken by the novelists in India.

(1) Jyotiba Phyla, the Maratha pioneer of low caste protest movements, Yoro the injustices of the caste system in his Gulamgiri.

(2) In the twentieth century, B.R. Ambedkar in Maharashtra and E.V. Ramaswamy Nail in Madras wrote on caste and their writings were read by people all over India.

(3) Local protest movements and sects also created a lot of popular journals and tracts criticizing ancient scriptures and envisioning a new and just future.

(4) Kashibaba, a Kanpur mill worker wrote `Chute Auto. Bade Ka Sewall’ in 1938 to show the links between caste and class exploitation.

(5) The poems of Sudarshan Chakra were brought together and published in a collection called Sacchi Kavitayen.

Q 65. What was the impact of printed books on women in India in the 19th century? Explain.

(1) Print enabled women to read in silence, discuss and debate among the like-minded persons.

(2) It provided a pivotal role in women’s self-improvement, self-expression by shaping their ideas.

(3) It helped to connect women of different parts — whatever be their caste, class urn religion.

(4) Many turned writers e.g., Kailashbashini Debi of Bengal. They represented a new type of women — a woman with the power to think and the ability to act with determination.

(5) Many liberal husbands and fathers were convinced by the writings and reformers began educating their women folk.

Q 66. Analyze the colonial influence on printing in India with the help of examples.

(1) Printing in India has a great influence on colonial rule. Despite repressive measures, nationalist newspapers grew in numbers in all parts of India.
(2) These newspapers reported on colonial misrule and encouraged nationalist activities. Attempt to throttle nationalist criticism provoked militant protest.
(3) When Punjab revolutionaries were deported in 1907, Balgangadhar Tikal wrote with great sympathy about them in his Cesar.
(4) Sometimes, government found hard to find candidates for editorship of loyalist papers. When Sanders, editor of the Statesman that had been founded in 1877, was approached, he asked rudely how much he would be paid for suffering the loss of freedom.
(5) The Friend of India, refused a government subsidy fearing that this would force it to be obedient to government commands.

Q 67. Why did British government curb the freedom of the Indian press after the revolt 1857.

(1) (i) After the revolt of 1857, the attitude to freedom of the press changed. 911 activities. When Punjab revolutionaries were deported.

(ii) Tikal wrote with great sympathy began debating measures of stringent control.

(iii) As vernacular newspaper became assertively nationalist, the colonial
(iv) In 1878, the Vernacular Press Act was passed.

(2) Nationalist newspapers reported on colonial misrule and encouraged nationalist.

(ii) Enraged Englishmen demanded a clamp down on the native press. government about them in his Cesar.