Q 9 – Geography is concerned with the description and explanation of the areal differentiation of the earth’s surface. Who said it? (a) Herodotus (b) Erathosthenese (c) Richarde Hartshorne (d) Galileo.
Q 10 – Geography studies the differences of phenomena usually related in different parts of the earth’s surface. Who gave this definition? (a) Hambolt (b) Ratzel (c) Kumari Sample (d) Alfred Hartner.
Q 11 – Which of the following is not studied under population geography? (a) Sex Ratio (b) Migration and Occupational Structure (c) Pollution (d) Population Density.
Q 14 – Under which approach is the world divided into regions at different hierarchical levels and then all the geographical phenomena in a particular region are studied. (a) Systematic Approach (b) Physical Approach (c) Dualism Approach (d) Regional Approach.
Q 15 – Under which approach, a phenomenon is studied world over as a whole, and then the identification of typologies or spatial patterns is done? (a) Systematic Approach (b) Physical Approach (c) Dualism Approach (d)Regional Approach
Q 18 – Who among the following said that ‘geography is a concern with the description and explanation of the areal differentiation of the earth’s surface (a) Herodotus (b) Eratosthenes (c) Richard Hartshorne (d) Galileo
Q 23 – Which one of the following is the concern of geography? (a) To find the relationship between two country (b) To find the relationship between two parties (c) To find the relationship between any two phenomena (d) None of these
Q 26 – The major issue for environmental geography is (a) scientific study of the habitats. (b) pollution, land degradation, and conservation of the environment. (c) geographic characteristics of animals and their habitats. (d) population explosion.