The Story of Village Palampur For Class 9 Economics Important Questions

Q 1 – ‘Bigha’ and ‘Guintha’ are
(a) the type of village house
(b) the type of hybrid seeds
(c) the measuring units of grain
(d) the measuring units of land area in the village

Ans. (d) the measuring units of land area in the village

Q 2 – Match the following-

                           Column 1Column 2
a) Local units of land measurement in villagei)All-natural resources
b) Source of capitalii) Production
c)Landiii)Bigha and Guintha
d)Physical Capitaliv) Human Resource
e) Superior factor of Productionv) Fixed Capital & Working Capital
f) Economic Activityvi) Loans


                           Column 1Column 2
a) Local units of land measurement in villageiii) Bigha and Guintha
b) Source of capitalvi) Loans
c)Landi) All-natural resources
d)Physical Capitalv) Fixed Capital & Working Capital
e) Superior factor of Productioniv) Human Resource
f) Economic Activityii) Production

Q 3 – The Green Revolution introduced the farmers to
(a) cultivation of wheat and rice
(b) cultivation of green vegetables
(c) cultivation of sugar cane
(d) cultivation of forests

Ans. (a) cultivation of wheat and rice

Q 4 – Fill in the Blanks:

i) Farmers use ___________and__________to increase production from a fixed piece of land.

Ans. Multiple cropping, modern farming methods

ii) Land distribution is__________between the farmers of village Palampur.

Ans. unequal distribution

iii) Crop produced on a given piece of land during a single season is measured as__________.

Ans. ‘yield’

iv) Money in hand and raw materials are an example of _______ .

Ans. Working capital

Q 5 – ‘Operation Flood’ is related to :
(a) control flood
(b) produce fish
(c) milk production
(d) grain production

Ans. (c) milk production

Q 6 – High Yielding Variety (HYV) seeds are developed in
(a) Research institutes
(b) Factories
(c) Krishak Bharati Cooperatives
(d) None of the above

Ans. (a) Research institutes

Q 7 – Which Kharif crop is used for cattle feed?
(a) Sugarcane
(b) Potato
(c) Jowar and bajra
(d) Wheat

Ans. (c) Jowar and bajra

Q 8 –  Answer in one word-

i) Which factor of production is most abundant among all?

Ans. the Land

ii) Which factor of Production is most scarce in contrast to labour?

Ans. Land

iii) Which factor of production can make use of other factors too ?

Ans. Human Resource

iv) Name a type of labour with high intellect and skills.

Ans. Mental labour

Q 9 – How do medium and large farmers obtain their capital for farming? How is it different from small farmers? Explain.

Ans. Medium and large farmers can arrange their capital easily. Either they have past savings or good profits from selling their crops, which they invest in capital for farming. They sometimes take loans from banks also. On the other side poor farmers faces a lot of difficulty in arranging capital for farming. So, they take loans from moneylenders and zamindars.

Q 10 – Is it important to increase the area under irrigation? Why?

Ans. Yes, it is very important to increase land area under irrigation. As per estimates, 60% of the villages still need proper irrigation facility. Since land under cultivation cannot be increased, increasing the area under irrigation is a major way to improve farm productivity.

Q 11 – Why do the farm labourers get ready to work at wages lower than minimum wage set by the Government?

Ans. Unlike data, the farm labourers in Palampur get ready to work at wages lower than minimum wage set by the Government due to the following reasons-

  1. Poor farm labourers are not aware of the minimum wage level set by the Government.
  2. Secondly, due to intense competition in the village, demand of labourer becomes less than their supply, making wage rate low.

Q 12 – How has Green Revolution threatened land sustainability?

Ans. 1. Scientific reports indicate that the modern farming methods have overused the natural resource base.

2. In many areas, Green Revolution is associated with the loss of soil fertility due to increased use of chemical fertilizers.

3. Continuous use of groundwater for tube well irrigation has reduced the water-table below the ground. Environmental resources like soil fertility and groundwater are built up over many years. Once destroyed it is very difficult to restore them.

Q 13 – How can you say that palampur is a developed village? Write five points in this context.

Ans. Palampur is a developed village and is well-settled place for people to perform economic activities and earn money. Some indicators regarding development of the village are worth discussing:

  • Developed Human Resource- First and the most important requirement for any developed place is its developed human resource. There is one high school and two primary schools in Palampur where almost all families send their children to schools. There is one dispensary also where health issues are sorted. So, health and education facilities are present in the village which is the most important indicator.
  • Electricity Connection- Availability of electric connections in a village comprises of quality infrastructural set up. It also enables farmers to use electric equipments in their farming and also other people for doing other chores easily.
  • Road Connectivity- There are all weather roads connecting to various neighboring villages in the village Palampur. Various vehicles run there, used to ferry people to different places. It also enables farmers to transport their surplus products to other places and make more money.
  • House set up Mostly houses in the village Palampur are made up of bricks and cement i.e. Pucca houses. It indicates the good standard of living of people living there.

Use of Technology in Farming- 75%of the population living in the village Palampur is engaged in farming activity. They are well educated about the methods and modern farming techniques used in farming to enhance the production and earn well.

Q 14 – Define the term ‘Factors of production’. Also explain them with examples.

Ans. Factors of Production refers to the basic requirements which are needed in any production process. There are four factors of production- Land, Labour, Capital and Entrepreneur/ Human Capital.

  • Land- It refers to all-natural resources which are present on earth i.e. Forest, Rivers, Mountains etc.
  • Labour- It refers to the person who does productive work. Labour are of two types- Skilled labour and unskilled labour.
  • Physical Capital- It refers to all the inputs required during production process. It is again of two types-

Fixed Capital– It is that type of capital which can be used in production process for number of years. For ex- tools, machinery, building etc.

Working Capital- It is the capital needed during working in production process like raw material and money in hand.Human Capital- It refers to a person who will assemble all the three factors of production i.e. land, labour and capital to produce an output.

Q 15 – How can we increase production from a fixed piece of land? Explain the ways.

Ans. We can increase production from a fixed piece of land by using two techniques-

Modern Farming Technique and Multiple Cropping Technique.

Modern Farming Technique is a technique of growing crops using modern and advanced methods in farming. It is a scientific technique of growing crops using HYV seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and advanced irrigation methods for increasing production. Multiple Croppingis a natural technique where more than one crop is grown on a fixed piece of land at the same time to increase production.

In the following questions, two statements are given-one labeled Assertion (A) and the other labeled Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and
(d) as given below.
(a) Assertion is true and the reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Assertion is true but the reason is false.
(c) Assertion is false but the reason is true.
(d) Both are true but the reason is not a correct explanation of assertion.

Q 16 – Assertion: Small plots of lands are cultivated by the medium and large farmers . On the other hand, more than half the area of the village is covered by plots that are quite large in size, cultivated by the small farmers.

Reason: Small farmers along with their families cultivate their own fields. Thus, they provide the labour required for farming themselves.

Ans c) Assertion is false but reason is true

Q 17 – Assertion (A): Urban poverty is a spillover of rural poverty.

Reason (R): People tend to migrate from rural areas to urban areas in search of jobs.

Ans. (a) Assertion is true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.