The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China For class 10 (History) Extra Questions

Q 1.  How was the maritime silk route useful for Vienna,?

Ans. It was used for the import and export of goods as well as for the exchange of ideas.

Q 2.  Mention the main base of the colonial economy of Vietnam.

Ans. Vietnam’s economy was primarily based on rice cultivation and rubber plantation owned by the French and small Vietnamese elites.

Q 3.  Who was Phan Chau Trinh?

Ans. He was Minh was a revolutionary national Liberation Movement Formed by Ho Chi Minh in 1941 to seek independence for Vietnam from Frace as well as Japanese occupation.

Q 4.  Who was Bao Dai ?

Ans. Bao Dai was a puppet king who was made emperor of South Vietnam after the Geneva Conference.

Q 5.  When did the Conflict with the US end in Vietnam  and how?

Ans. The conflict with the US ended in 1974 with a peace agreement in Paris.

Q 6.  Who was Called colons in Vietnam?

Ans. French citizens living in Vietnam were Known as colons.

Q 7.  Who was Trieu Au?

Ans. She was a young girl who organized a large army to resist Chinese rule in Vietnam.

Q 8.  Who were the Trung sisters. ?

Ans. They were Vietnam nationalists who Fought to save the nation from the Chinese.

Q 9.  Who was the Founder of Indo –the Chinese Communist Party?

Ans. Ho Chi Minh.

Q 10.  Who was the Founder of Revolutionary Society ?

Ans. Phan Boi Chau.

Q 11.  Name any two religious practiced in Vietnam.

Ans. Buddhism and Confucianism.

Q 12.  Who was Sun Yet Sen?

Ans. He was a Chinese nationalist under Whose Leadership the long-established monarchy in China was overthrown by a popular movement.

Q 13.  Who was Scholars Revolt Started?

Ans. In 1868.

Q 14.  Who launched the scholar’s Revolt ?

Ans. The Scholars Revolt was launched by officials of the imperial court.

Q 15.  Who was the author of ‘The History of the loss of Vietnam.?

Ans. Phan Boi Chan.

Q 16.  What was the result of the Geneva peace negotiation which took place after the defeat of the French forces in Vietnam. ?

Ans. Vietnam was divided into two countries. Ho Chi Minh and communists took power in the north while  Bao dai,s regime was put in power in the south.

Q 17.  Mention any two proposals suggested by Bernard to improve the economic condition of Vietnam?

Ans. (i) Land reforms (ii) Industrialization

Q 18.  What was Hao Hao Movement?

Ans.  It was a Buddhist religious movement launched by Huynh Phu so, a native of the Mekong river delta. It drew on religious ideas popular in anti-French uprisings of the nineteenth century.

Q 19.  Why was a New Education Policy introduced by the French in Vietnam.?

Ans. Motives.

(i)  To consolidate their power: to counter this Chinese influence French systematically dismantled the traditional educational System and established French schools for the Vietnamese.

(ii) Educated labor for administration: The French needed an educated local labor force.

(iii) To demonstrate the superiority of French culture: Many scholars believed that by learning the language the Vietnamese would be introduced to the culture and civilization of France .this would help create an Asiatic France solidly tied to European France.

 Q 20.  Which modern countries were part of Indo-China?

Ans. Indo-China comprises the modern countries of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

Q 21.  State one feature of the early history of Indo-China.

Ans. Its early history shows many different groups of people living there under the shadow of the powerful empire of China. Even after independence, its rulers continued to maintain the Chinese system of government as well as Chinese culture.

Q 22.  How was the maritime silk route useful for Vietnam? 

Ans. Vietnam was linked through the maritime silk route that brought in goods, people, and ideas.

Q 23.  What was the importance of the port of Fabio?

Ans. This port was founded by Portuguese merchants. It was one of the ports used by European trading companies much before the nineteenth century.

Q 24.  What was one most visible form of French control over Vietnam?

Ans. The most visible form of French control was military and economic domination but the French also built a system that tried to reshape the culture of the Vietnamese.

Q 25.  Who was Francis Gamier ?

Ans. Francis Gamier was part of the French team that explored the Mekong river. In 1873 he was commissioned by the French to try and establish a French colony.

Q 26.  By 1931 what was the position of Vietnam as an exporter of rice in the world?

Ans. By 1931 Vietnam had become the third-largest exporter of rice in the world.

Q 27.  What was the basis of the colonial economy in Vietnam?

Ans. The colonial economy in Vietnam was primarily based on rice cultivation and mubber plantations owned by the French and a small Vietnamese elite.

Q 28.  How did the teachers oppose the French educational system with silent resistance?

Ans. While teaching, Vietnamese teachers quietly modified the text and criticized what was stated. As the number of teachers in lower classes was large, it was difficult to control what was actually taught.

Q 29.  State any one difference between the French part of Hanoi and the ‘native quarter’.

Ans. The French part of Hanoi was built as a beautiful and clean city with wide avenues and a well-laid-out sewer system, while the ‘native quarter’ was not provided with any modern facilities.

Q 30.  State any one main idea of Phan Boi Chau.

Ans. He maintained that first the foreign enemy should be driven out, and after their nation’s independence was restored other things could be done later.

Q 31.  Why did the US enter into the war in Vietnam?

Ans. With the help of the Ho Chi Minh government in the north, the NLF fought for the unification of the country. The US feared that this alliance would help the communists to gain power. This made the US worried and it decided to intervene decisively sending in troops and arms.

Q 32.  Why the phase of struggle with the US is considered brutal ? State one reason.

Ans. The phase of struggle with the US was considered brutal because civilians died in large numbers. Many villages were destroyed and jungles decimated as a result of the use of chemical weapons – Napalm, Agent Orange, and phosphorous bombs.

Q 33.  Describe the effects of the Great Depression of the 1930s on Vietnam.

Ans. The effects of the Great Depression of the 1930s on Vietnam were as mentioned below :

  • The prices of rubber and rice fell.
  • As a result of falling prices, the rural debts rose.
  • Unemployment increased.
  • There were rural uprisings as in the provinces of Nghe An and Ha Tinh which were among the poorest and had an old radical tradition.
  • In February 1930, Ho Chi Minh brought together competing nationalist groups to establish the Vietnamese Communist Party later renamed the Indo-Chinese Communist Party. He was inspired by the militant demonstrations of the European communist parties.

Q 34.  What was the fear among US policy-planners about Vietnam ? Were they right in estimating the power of Vietnam ?


  •  The fear among US policy-planners was that the victory of Ho Chi Minh would lead to establishing communist governments in other countries in the area.
  • The US policy-planners, however, underestimated the power of nationalism to move people to action, inspire them to sacrifice their home and family, live under horrific conditions, and fight for independence.

They also underestimated the power of a small country to fight the most technologically advanced country in the world. Thus, the Vietnamese struggled against all odds, and ultimately the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was set up.

Q 35.  Who were Trung’s sisters?

Ans. Trung sisters were rebel women. They had fought against Chinese domination in 39-43 CE. They were idealized and glorified. It is said that they gathered a force of over 30,000 and resisted the Chinese for two years. When defeated they committed suicide instead of surrendering to the enemy.

Q 36.  How did the French establish their control over Vietnam? What were its results?


(1) The French established their control over Vietnam by their military power as mentioned below :

  • French troops landed in Vietnam in 1858 and by the mid 1880s they had established a firm grip over the northern region.
  • After the Franco-Chinese war the French assumed control of Tonkin and Anaam.
  • In 1887, French Indo-China was formed.

(2) Effects :

  • There was conflict in all the spheres of life between the people of Vietnam and the French colonisers.
  • French control was maintained through military and economic domination but they also tried to re-shape the culture of the Vietnamese. This led to the emergence of nationalism in Vietnam and the different sections of society fought against the French and their activities.
  • As the French consolidated their position, the people in Vietnam began reflecting on the nature of the loss that Vietnam was suffering. This increased the nationalist resistance.
  • The knitting together of a modern Vietnamese nation that brought the different communities together was in part the result of colonisation.

Q 38.  How did Paul Bernard argue in favour of economic development of Vietnam ?


(1) Generally, the colonies serve the interests of the mother country. Paul Bernard believed that the economies of the colonies should be developed because the aim of acquiring colonies was to make profits. He argued that if the economy was developed and the standard of living of the people improved, they would buy more goods. The market would consequently expand, leading to better profits for French businesses.

(2) According to Bernard there were the following barriers to the economic growth of Vietnam :

  • High population level.
  • Low agricultural productivity.
  • Extensive indebtedness amongst the

(3) Bernard suggested that to reduce poverty and increase agricultural productivity, it was necessary to carry out land reforms as the Japanese had done in the 1890s. However, this could not ensure sufficient employment. As the experience of Japan showed, industrialization would be essential to create jobs.